Train traffic is expected to double through Carlsbad by 2035. To accommodate the increase, the San Diego Association of Governments is planning to build a second set of train tracks through northern Carlsbad. The result would be a continuous 8.6-mile stretch of double tracks with an expected 100 trains traveling through Carlsbad per day.

To address safety, traffic and environmental concerns, the city, SANDAG and North County Transit District are exploring the option of lowering the railroad tracks below street level in a trench through the Village and Barrio, separating train traffic from street traffic. 

To prepare to fill out the survey and learn more about the project, including anticipated costs and timeline, please watch the SANDAG presentation below from the Nov. 20 community input workshop and learn more about the differences between the two proposed alternatives.

Para responder a la encuesta en español por favor haga clic aquí.

Two alternatives to lowering the railroad tracks are being considered – a short trench and long trench.

  • The short trench alternative stops north of Tamarack Avenue, creating an overpass for pedestrians and bicyclists at Chestnut Avenue. Tamarack Avenue would remain as is, with train tracks remaining at street level with pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers.

  • The long trench alternative stops south of Tamarack Avenue, creating overpasses for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers at both Chestnut Avenue and Tamarack Avenue.

Two trenching options

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In consideration of the differences between the short trench and long trench alternative, how important are the following aspects to you?

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When considering lowering the double railroad tracks below street level, some of the factors that were expressed at the Nov. 20 public input workshop are listed below. How important is each of these factors to you?

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Overall, what do you think of these alternatives?

I like the short trench alternative best.
I like the long trench alternative best.
I like them about the same.
I don’t like either of them.
Closed to responses

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What additional information would help you understand the project?

Closed for Comments

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Please tell us what part of town you call home.

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* Do you work or own a business in Carlsbad?

Closed to responses

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If yes, where is it located?

Thank you for providing your input about the project. Carlsbad city staff will be reviewing all input from this survey and the Nov. 20 community input workshop to present to the Carlsbad City Council and other decision makers in spring 2020. In the meantime, learn more about the project at and

If you’d like to stay updated on the status of this project and provide your input at future community workshops, please sign up for the Village and Barrio Railroad Trench email list.