Question title

Forests can provide many benefits, but those benefits often depend on where they are and how forests are managed, so understanding which benefits are most important to King County residents will help us develop our goals. Which of these are most important to you? (Choose up to three.)

Storing carbon and providing climate benefits
Providing shade and lowering temperatures in urban areas
Enhancing salmon and other wildlife habitat
Providing wood or non-timber forest products
Providing cultural resources
Supporting our local economy by providing employment , revenue to forest landowners, and other economic benefits
Hosting recreational opportunities (e.g., hiking, mountain biking, etc.)
Improving water quality and reducing stormwater runoff
Improving air quality and other human health benefits
Aesthetic or scenic values
None of these benefits are important to me
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Question title

Why are the priorities you selected above most important to you?

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Question title

What are the most important actions King County, partners, and other stakeholders can take over the next 30 years with respect to our forests? (Choose up to three.)

Improve the health of existing forests in the county by conducting restoration and other forest management activities
Acquire more forested land to prevent the conversion to other, non-forested uses
Increase tree planting in urban areas where there is currently lower tree cover
Increase tree planting near rivers and streams
Manage forests to store more carbon
Experiment with planting trees from warmer, drier climates that might be suitable to changing growing conditions for our forests
Make changes to code or policy that would help increase urban or rural tree cover
Increase production of timber or non-timber products
Improve access to forested parks and trails
No additional actions are needed
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Question title

Why are the actions you selected above most important to you?

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Question title

In the area where you live, do you think more trees are needed?

I don’t know
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Question title

If you answered yes, are there general areas or specific locations where you think King County and partners should focus their efforts?

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What is your zip code?

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What is your age?

Under 18
Over 75
Prefer not to answer
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Question title

To sign up for updates on the 30-Year Plan, please enter your email

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Question title

What is your race/ethnicity?

Asian American, East Asian, or Southeast Asian
Latino/a, Latinx, Hispanic
Native American or Alaska Native
Race/ethnicities not listed here
Black, African-American, or Afro-Caribbean
Middle Eastern or North African
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Multiple ethnicities
I prefer not to answer
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Thank you for your feedback!