Welcome to the Orange Line & Blue Line Design Topics Preview Virtual Open House

Thank you for visiting the Orange & Blue Line Design Topics Preview Virtual Open House. The public comment period for the virtual open house has ended and comments have been disabled on this website. You are welcome to browse the virtual open house, view the videos and download Project Connect documents.

Your feedback and questions are always welcome. To get in touch with the Project Connect team, please email us at feedback@capmetro.org.


We have heard some recurring questions from the public since our 15% design milestones. In response, we pulled out four themes that have garnered the most interest from previous community feedback: Connectivity, Traffic and Transportation, Environmental Review Considerations and Anti-Displacement Strategies and Investments.

We invite you to browse the virtual open house and view the videos on each topic page. Use the navigation bar at the top of the page or click the icons to the right to further explore the topics of Connectivity, Traffic and Transportation, Environmental Review Considerations and Anti-Displacement Strategies and Investments.

Explore the following topics further...

Click to go to the Connectivity topic page

Click to go to the Traffic and Transportation topic page

Click to go to the Environmental Review Considerations topic page

Click to go directly to the anti-displacement topic page

The Latest Project Connect Updates

Project Connect is a comprehensive transit system expansion that will help transform Austin into one of the most sustainable, inclusive and innovative regions in the county. It is not a single project or type of service, such as rail or bus. It is an interconnected system that will bring a number of first to Austin, including a light rail system, a subway, expanded bus service and a zero-emissions fleet, more on-demand circulator routes, and new Park & Rides to provide more connections to the larger transit system. Check out our programmatic video to learn more about the latest program updates.  

Learn More About the Orange Line and Blue Line

Project Connect will expand and improve our public transportation network for the entire Central Texas region, including new light rail, a subway under downtown and an accessible bus system to better connect neighborhoods in and outside our great city. Project Connect is designed to improve access to essential jobs, health care and education–making our communities more livable, equitable and sustainable. 

Orange Line

The Orange Line light rail will operate for approximately 20 miles, connecting North and South Austin. It will run from Tech Ridge to Slaughter along the North Lamar/Guadalupe corridor, connecting the UT campus and downtown before crossing Lady Bird Lake and traveling along South Congress to Slaughter Lane.

Learn more about the Orange Line by visiting the project page. 

Blue Line

The Blue Line light rail will operate for approximately 8.2 miles, running from downtown to the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. It will provide service from Republic Square to 4th Street and the Convention Center, cross Lady Bird Lake on a new bridge, and run along East Riverside Drive to the airport.

Learn more about the Blue Line by visiting the project page. 

Alternative Analysis (2019-2020) 

In 2019 and 2020, CapMetro conducted an Alternatives Analysis for both the Blue and Orange Line corridors. CapMetro used a screening process to define, evaluate and refine both projects. This helped decision makers and the public evaluate costs and benefits for the projects, and ultimately led to what is called the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA). The LPA is represented by a combination of factors including: 

Flow Chart describing the steps of corridor identification from conceptual definition to the environmental review process where Project Connect is currently at.

  • Alignment (where does it run?)

  • Transitway type (on, above, or below the street?)

  • Mode (Bus Rapid Transit or Light Rail Transit?)

The Locally Preferred Alternative for both the Blue Line and Orange Line were unanimously adopted by the CapMetro Board of Directors and endorsed by the Austin City Council on June 10, 2020.