U-5901: Airport Parkway - Salisbury
U-5901: Airport Parkway - Salisbury
The proposed Airport Parkway project includes constructing a new two-lane roadway in the vicinity of the Mid-Carolina Regional Airport between Jake Alexander Boulevard and Peeler Road at U.S. 29.
Accommodations for pedestrians, bicycles, and transit are also being evaluated as part of the project.
Conceptual alignment alternatives and design concepts are under development at this time.
Environmental studies are underway and are anticipated to be complete in 2020.
Your help in gathering data and local information along with your comments on conceptual alignments and potential cross sections is needed.
Please take a few minutes and review the information and questions below and provide as much information as possible.
For additional information on this project, please visit: https://www.ncdot.gov/projects/airport-parkway/
Transportation Issues:
Please take a moment to review the maps provided and provide feedback on the corridors provided. Your responses will provide us valuable information that will assist the project team in developing alternatives for consideration.
Conceptual Alignments
13 conceptual alignents have been developed for consideration for the proposed Airport Parkway project.
Each potential alignment is made up of one or more color-coded segments shown on the map below.
The alignment segments are labeled from the beginning of the project (Cedar Springs Road at U.S. 29/S. Main Street) to the end of the project (Harrison Road or Brenner Avenue).
After reviewing the map, please provide input on the propposed alignments by selecting either "prefer' or "dislike" in the question section below.
Typical Sections are detailed depictions of the roadway's principal features. These sections are the basis for construction details and information shown on the various plan sheets as the project progresses. Four typical sections are presented below for your review.
Question title
Draw common drives you take in the vicinity of Airport Road (Origin to Destination.)
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