Transportation Issues: 

Please take a moment to review the maps provided and provide feedback on the corridors provided.  Your responses will provide us valuable information that will assist the project team in developing alternatives for consideration.

Question title

Please select all of the following you feel apply to the Harrison Road corridor.

Too much traffic
Too many trucks
Too many driveways
Frequent accidents
Difficult to pull into or out of driveway
Needs bus service
Needs pedestrian facilities
Needs bicycle facilities
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select all of the following you feel apply to the N.C. 150 (Mooresville Road) corridor.

Too much traffic
Too many trucks
Too many driveways
Frequent accidents
Difficult to pull into or out of driveway
Needs bus service
Needs pedestrian facilities
Needs bicycle facilities
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select all of the following you feel apply to the Airport Road corridor.

Too much traffic
Too many trucks
Too many driveways
Frequent accidents
Difficult to pull into or out of driveway
Needs bus service
Needs pedestrian facilities
Needs bicycle facilities
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select all of the following you feel apply to the U.S. 29 (South Main Street) corridor.

Too much traffic
Too many trucks
Too many driveways
Frequent accidents
Difficult to pull into or out of driveway
Needs bus service
Needs pedestrian facilities
Needs bicycle facilities
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select all of the following you feel apply to the Rowan Mill Road corridor.

Too much traffic
Too many trucks
Too many driveways
Frequent accidents
Difficult to pull into or out of driveway
Needs bus service
Needs pedestrian facilities
Needs bicycle facilities
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select all of the following you feel apply to the U.S. 70 (Jake Alexander Boulevard) corridor.

Too much traffic
Too many trucks
Too many driveways
Frequent accidents
Difficult to pull into or out of driveway
Needs bus service
Needs pedestrian facilities
Needs bicycle facilities
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select all of the following you feel apply to the U.S. 70 (Jake Alexander Boulevard) corridor.

Too much traffic
Too many trucks
Too many driveways
Frequent accidents
Difficult to pull into or out of driveway
Needs bus service
Needs pedestrian facilities
Needs bicycle facilities
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select all of the following you feel apply to the Cedar Springs Road corridor.

Too much traffic
Too many trucks
Too many driveways
Frequent accidents
Difficult to pull into or out of driveway
Needs bus service
Needs pedestrian facilities
Needs bicycle facilities
Closed to responses

Origins and Destinations:

Knowing where people travel to and from on a regular basis is extremely important in developing alternatives for consideration. 

Please review the map below and then answer the origin and destination blocks below.

Question title

Please list from / to for your top 5 typical trips.

Your privately-submitted comments:
Closed for Comments

Conceptual Alignments

13 conceptual alignents have been developed for consideration for the proposed Airport Parkway project.  

Each potential alignment is made up of one or more color-coded segments shown on the map below.

The alignment segments are labeled from the beginning of the project (Cedar Springs Road at U.S. 29/S. Main Street) to the end of the project (Harrison Road or Brenner Avenue).

After reviewing the map, please provide input on the propposed alignments by selecting either "prefer' or "dislike" in the question section below.

Question title

Please indicate which alignments you PREFER.
(Select all that apply)

Alignment 1 - Navy
Alignment 2 - Navy + Yellow + Navy
Alignment 3 - Navy + Orange + Red + Navy
Alternative 4 - Navy + Yellow + Navy + Orange + Red + Navy
Alignment 6 - Navy + Orange + Purple + Green
Alignment 6 - Navy + Yellow + Navy + Orange + Purple + Green
Alignment 7 - Navy + Orange + Purple
Alignment 8 - Navy + Yellow + Navy + Orange + Purple
Alignment 9 - Navy + Yellow + Purple + Green
Alignment 10 - Navy + Yellow + Purple
Alignment 11 - Navy + Yellow + Pink + Green
Alignment 12 - Navy + Yellow + Pink + Green + Purple
Alignment 13 - Navy + Yellow + Pink + Purple
Closed to responses

Question title

Please indicate which alignments you DISLIKE.
(Select all that apply)

Alignment 1 - Navy
Alignment 2 - Navy + Yellow + Navy
Alignment 3 - Navy + Orange + Red + Navy
Alternative 4 - Navy + Yellow + Navy + Orange + Red + Navy
Alignment 6 - Navy + Orange + Purple + Green
Alignment 6 - Navy + Yellow + Navy + Orange + Purple + Green
Alignment 7 - Navy + Orange + Purple
Alignment 8 - Navy + Yellow + Navy + Orange + Purple
Alignment 9 - Navy + Yellow + Purple + Green
Alignment 10 - Navy + Yellow + Purple
Alignment 11 - Navy + Yellow + Pink + Green
Alignment 12 - Navy + Yellow + Pink + Green + Purple
Alignment 13 - Navy + Yellow + Pink + Purple
Closed to responses


Typical Sections are detailed depictions of the roadway's principal features.  These sections are the basis for construction details and information shown on the various plan sheets as the project progresses.  Four typical sections are presented below for your review.  

Question title

Typical Section 1:
Two twelve-foot lanes, 4-foot paved shoulder each side
(no curb and gutter)

I prefer this option
I do not like this option
Closed to responses

Question title

Typical Section 2:
Two fourteen-foot lanes with on-road bicycle use, curb and gutter and five foot sidewalk on each side

I prefer this option
I do not like this option
Closed to responses

Question title

Typical Section 3:
Two twelve-foot lanes with a five-foot bicycle lane in each direction, curb and gutter, a five-foot sidewalk on each side and an eight-foot transit shelter area

I prefer this option
I do not like this option
Closed to responses

Question title

Typical Section 4:
Two twelve foot lanes, a four-foot paved shoulder on one side, curb and gutter on the other, a ten-foot multi use path on one side and an eight-foot transit shelter area

I prefer this option
I do not like this option
Closed to responses

Question title

Are there additional comments your would like to provide to the project team?

Closed for Comments
I live in the Summerfield Development and I do not like the fact that this Navy road will come between our neighborhood and Forest Glen beside us. We already have enough traffic on Highway 150 but at least our neighborhood is quiet and peaceful. This would change with a road runn...See More
Reply14 Agree6 years ago
The area of Mooresville Road west of Rowan Mills is heavily residential an as such is a peaceful area. Please do not destroy the beauty of this area by building a road intended to carry large amounts of traffic through that area - including through the established residential dev...See More
Reply14 Agree6 years ago
As a taxpayer, I do not believe tax dollars need to be spent on this project regardless of the route taken. It is just not needed! As a homeowner potentially affected by this project I strongly object to the use of any portion of the Summerfield subdivision being used. You will ...See More
2 Agree6 years ago
I agree.
Agree6 years ago
Please do not disrupt the serenity of the subdivisions that would be affected by the Navy route. Summerfield and Forest glen in particular would be adversely effected with the Navy route which would traverse in between the 2 subdivisions and be in the back yards of multiple home...See More
Reply7 Agree6 years ago
I would like to think the DOT could do better than this . It looks like many of the new routes are going through residential areas or a golf course. I think improving the road system we already have in place would be a lot better than building a new roads and bridges
Reply7 Agree6 years ago
I agree.
1 Agree6 years ago
I live in Wendover Heights. The Navy rd. would now mean heavy truck traffic 20 ft. from my bedroom! Not sure how this would be acceptable to anyone. Property value destroyed and you can't have traffic like that through a neighborhood. About 20-50 trucks go by every hour for the F...See More
Reply7 Agree6 years ago
Agree6 years ago

Question title

Draw common drives you take in the vicinity of Airport Road (Origin to Destination.)

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