BBR Phase 2
BBR Phase 2
Imagine a network that connects our communities and makes biking easier, safer, and more fun for everyone.
Visualize the possibilities on our interactive StoryMap. Then let us know what you think!
Comments are welcome until January 10, 2025.
Thank you for joining us at our in-person public meeting on December 10 and virtual public meeting on December 12 to learn more and share your thoughts!
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The Bikeable Baltimore Region (BBR) project presents the Proposed Regional Bike Network. This is the first time a regionally connected bike network has been identified for the Baltimore region.
The Proposed Regional Bike Network is made up of bike lanes and paths from current plans in the Baltimore region. The goal is to create an equitable and connected bike network that is safe and comfortable to use for everyone, regardless of age or ability.
The Baltimore region already has nearly 600 miles of bike lanes and paths, but many of these routes are not connected. This makes it harder for people to bike safely and easily to the places they need to go. By identifying a regional bike network, we can focus on building connections that people want and need. We can also invest limited money where it will make the biggest difference.
Learn More and Give Feedback
Explore this website and our interactive StoryMap to learn more about the project and the Proposed Regional Bike Network. Then let us know what you think!
Comments are welcome during this comment period known as the "Presenting Phase" until January 10, 2025.
Join us at a public meeting in December to learn more and share your ideas! Each meeting will begin with a presentation about the project, followed by a group discussion. Afterward, you can give more feedback on the Proposed Regional Bike Network at different activity stations.
- The in-person public meeting was held at the Baltimore Unity Hall (1505 Eutaw Pl, Baltimore, MD) on Tuesday, December 10 at 6 p.m.
- The virtual public meeting was held on Thursday, December 12 at 6 p.m.
Watch the virtual public meeting presentation below.
Listening Phase Summary
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Listening Phase comment period from May to July!
The first comment period, known as the "Listening Phase”, ran from May 21 - July 26, 2024, and included ten public meetings, an interactive website, and an online survey. The outreach aimed to understand the community’s vision for a regional bike network, what project goals matter most to them, and their opinions on biking in the region.
Ninety three percent (93%) of people said a regional bike network is important to them!
From May to October, we traveled around the region to hold pop-up interviews. We spoke with 135 people in the community to learn why they bike (or do not) and how we can make biking better in the region.
Public feedback helped improve the vision and goals, guided the identification of the Proposed Regional Bike Network, and contributed to the creation of objectives and performance measures.
Click here for more information about the Listening Phase public feedback.
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If you need help participating, please leave us a voicemail at 855-925-2801 x 7480 or email us at
Visit our interactive StoryMap to view the Proposed Regional Bike Network and provide feedback