Skyway Flexible Services Survey – We want your input!

Part I. Flexible Services

 While buses and light rail service are the backbone of regional mobility, some parts of King County do not have the systems, large number of people, or land use to support traditional transit service. To ensure that mobility needs across the county are met, King County Metro provides a wide range of services. 

Flexible transit services play a crucial role in connecting King County residents to where they need to go, including from and within those communities with low-to-moderate populations in certain areas. New, flexible transportation options can fill in gaps when and where bus and train service is not offered.


Question title

Do you regularly use buses or trains to get around town?

Closed to responses

Question title

If no, do any of the following factors contribute to why you do not use buses or trains? (please select all that apply)

No service near my home
No service near my destination
Irregular work or school schedule
Working or planning around a bus schedule
Personal safety while waiting for bus arrival
Need personal vehicle for local errands
Need personal vehicle during the work or school day
Need personal vehicle to transport children
Disability or use of mobility aid
Do not know how to ride the bus
Closed to responses

Question title

What are the top three things that would help you get around Skyway or nearby areas (i.e., in-town or to surrounding communities in King County) without driving alone? (select up to three)

A Metro Rideshare vehicle
A way to find other carpool partners when I need them
Flexible service during the day
Flexible service in the evening
Flexible service on weekends and holidays
Increased knowledge of public transit system
Closed to responses

Question title

What are the top three trip reasons you might consider using a flexible public transit service?

Medical appointments
Grocery store trips
Retail shopping
Essential services (i.e. food, employment, other)
Community meetings, public hearings, or other
Closed to responses

Part II. Feeder-to-Fixed Route Service

A “feeder-to-fixed route service” is an on-demand service that connects people who live, work, or go to school within a specific service area to and from established transit hubs served by frequent service (i.e. a light rail station).

This is how it would work:

  • Book a ride on-demand with an app or through a call center.
  • Fares cost the same as a Metro bus fare.
  • Pick-up time is within 10-15 minutes of your trip request. Pick-up location may require a short walk.
  • Your trip must start or end at one of the designated transit hubs. The other end of the trip must be within the service area.
  • Wheelchair accessible vehicles are available.

This type of service is currently offered in Othello, Rainier Beach, and Tukwila. To learn more about how a feeder-to-fixed route service currently operates in King County, visit this webpage.

We are seeking feedback on which feeder-to-fixed model would best serve the Skyway community. The current proposal is a service area that would cover all of Skyway with two transit hubs: Renton Transit Center and Rainier Beach Station. This service would operate Monday through Saturday from 5:00 AM to 1:00 AM, and Sunday from 6:00 AM to 12:00 AM.


Skyway Service Area

Question title

Does this service area meet your needs?

Question title

If No, please explain and suggest where you would like to travel:

Closed for Comments

Question title

2. Do these service hours meet your needs?

Closed to responses

Question title

If no, please explain what hours you would like to travel:

Closed for Comments

Question title

Do these transit hubs meet your needs?

Closed to responses

Question title

If no, please explain and suggest additional hubs or places you need to get to:

Closed for Comments

Question title

What do you like the most about this type of service? Select all that apply.

The service can come into my neighborhood and pick me up near my home
I can use this service to get where I want to go without driving alone
The service is ADA accessible
It costs the same as regular bus service
Nothing about this service sounds good to me
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

What concerns do you have about this type of service?

It might not work for me
I don't want to wait for a vehicle to arrive
It will cost too much for me
The service does not go where I want to travel
I mostly travel when the service is not available
This service seems confusing or difficult to use
I have no concerns about this service
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

On a scale of 1 (not interested at all) to 5 (very interested), how interested are you in having a feeder-to-fixed route service in Skyway?

Closed to responses

Thank you for providing your feedback. If you would like to receive updates on any of these projects, please write in your name and email address.

If you have questions or comments about these services and would like to speak with a Metro employee, please use the contact information below.


Feeder-to-Fixed Route

Casey Gifford

Innovative Mobility Senior Planner

King County Metro


Nicole Aguirre

Service Planning Transportation Planner

King County Metro


Community Van

Melissa Allan

Contracted Services Senior Planner

King County Metro



Dani Hurula

Transportation Demand Management Planner (Youth Programs)