Current Engagement

Past Engagement

Wakefield Small Area Study Draft Recommendations

The Wakefield Small Area Study is a planning study focused on the Wakefield community. The study looks at transportation, natural resources, urban design, and land use. This round of engagement present...

Wakefield Small Area Study Online Open House

The virtual community open house will both share the findings of the analysis conducted to date and solicit input on streetscape, transportation, land use and other policy issues before design begins....

Wakefield Small Area Study

ISSUES & OPPORTUNITIES SURVEYThe purpose of this survey is to gather information about Wakefield and how the people who live, work, visit, worship, and play in the area experience the community....

Wakefield Small Area Study - Kickoff Survey

The Wakefield Small Area Study is focused on an area surrounding Falls of Neuse Road between the Neuse River and Capital Boulevard. You can read the full project description that consultants applying...

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