Fairfax County Park Authority Dog Park Study - Virtual Public Meeting
Fairfax County Park Authority Dog Park Study - Virtual Public Meeting
Tue, Mar 23 2021 7:00 PM
Participate by phone:
Meeting code: 8035
The Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) will hold a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 7 p.m. to present the study findings and gather public comment on the Dog Park Study Draft Report.The draft report can be accessed through the links provided on the FCPA Dog Park Study Webpage. You have the option of preregistering for the meeting. Please note that this is not mandatory to partake in the meeting, but helps us determine who is attending.
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Dog Park Study Draft Report Comments
The Dog Park Study Draft Report has been completed and we want your feedback! The draft report can be accessed through the links provided in the FCPA Dog Park Study Webpage. A comment box has been...
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