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City Council B Session
City Council B Session
Wed, Mar 6 2024 2:00 PM
742 results
Past Events
City Council Budget Work Session
City Council Budget Work Session
Wed, Aug 21 2024 2:00 PM
City Council Zoning and Land Use Session
City Council Zoning and Land Use Session
Thu, Aug 15 2024 2:00 PM
NOTE: Speaker registration closes 15 minutes before the start of this meeting.
Zaid Subhi1- We have been living in our residences since 2014 and purchased those properties as part of a single-family residential subdivision. The proposed rezoning, after ten years, is not only a significant change but also a potential threat to the value of our properties. I haven’t se...See More
ReplyFlag7 months ago
City Council A Session
City Council A Session
Thu, Aug 15 2024 9:00 AM
NOTE: Speaker registration closes 15 minutes before the start of this meeting.
Rolando GuerraDowntown San Antonio is the heart beat of our city with hemisfair at its center. I oppose any curfew being implemented in our downtown spaces, especially this park as I believe it will have negative impacts to our city center. I live in district 2's Denver Heights, just a short b...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoMark Anthony RiveraAs a constituent of district 8, the proposal for a curfew at Hemisfair Park (Item 14) concerns me deeply. This curfew undermines our investment in the wonderful amenity that is Hemisfair park by banning people from using it. The SA Tomorrow plan calls for the addition of housing ...See More
ReplyFlag7 months ago
Public Comment Session
Public Comment Session
Wed, Aug 14 2024 5:00 PM
NOTE: Speaker registration closes 15 minutes before the start of this meeting.
Karen EvaPlease help the animals. Its important to place as many animals as possible and stop killing healthy animals.Low cost spay and neuter programs would help. I live in Mn. I foster for a group called Let Love Live. They are Texas based. Its sad what is happening in your state to see...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoKarma Rollins WHEN, will the members of this council start doing their jobs? WHEN will the members of this council start holding those committing crimes accountable? WHEN, will this council start demanding those at ACS stop murdering thousands of adoptable animals and start upholding the laws ...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoSusan ParkesCan you please make acs a no kill shelter now. I'm from the UK and have felt compelled to have to speak up on behalf of these innocent animals lives!!! Every day 10-20 animals are killed here. How can these people honestly sleep at night knowing what they have done to all of thes...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoKaren ZbylotI have been commenting for the last seven months and conditions are getting worse not better at ACS. The killing of highly adoptable animals at an alarming rate and the lack of adoption events is not acceptable! Free spay and neuter clinics made available in all necessary areas w...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoKarina HallQuestion: Why does the Mayor, Councillors and Officials think that having an internal Council Civil Engineer running an animal shelter in San Antonio is appropriate?
That the ACS say that they are overwhelmed and the only solution that Mr. Shannon is able to implement is eutha...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoThat the ACS say that they are overwhelmed and the only solution that Mr. Shannon is able to implement is eutha...See More
Kelsey HDear City Council and Mayor of San Antonio:
My name is Kelsey H and I am once again writing to you all from Denver Colorado pleading for a change in San Antonio Texas. ACS continues to murder highly adoptable cats and dogs instead of seeking placement and exhausting all resour...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoMy name is Kelsey H and I am once again writing to you all from Denver Colorado pleading for a change in San Antonio Texas. ACS continues to murder highly adoptable cats and dogs instead of seeking placement and exhausting all resour...See More
Michelle RameyIt was just noted that dogs are being shot on the streets... Likely due to overcrowding.
Please implement FREE sterilization surgery to ALL female animals in a household. No salary requirements. No limits on numbers being spayed. Maybe have mobile spay clinics set up throu...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoPlease implement FREE sterilization surgery to ALL female animals in a household. No salary requirements. No limits on numbers being spayed. Maybe have mobile spay clinics set up throu...See More
Zheng LuoDear city council:
I am requesting to hire outside candidate to become the new director of ACS. Whomever is hired they actually like animals. Former director Shannon Sims and the current employees at ACS don't like animals at all. Despite their yearly budget inc...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoI am requesting to hire outside candidate to become the new director of ACS. Whomever is hired they actually like animals. Former director Shannon Sims and the current employees at ACS don't like animals at all. Despite their yearly budget inc...See More
Karma Rollins The public has been asking you to do something to help fix the animal welfare issue in San Antonio and you’ve continued to ignore those pleas. Now you have a serial killer on the loose and it’s only a matter of time before that person moves onto people. Congratulations, you hold ...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoPatrick SteinerI am an animal rescuer, cats to be specific, however, I am appalled at what is going on in San Antonio both with how the shelter is handling all of these lives but also with what is going on. Its bad enough that so many beautiful animals are ending up in the shelter and then dea...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoMaria MolinaCouncil members, why has it been 17 years waiting to stop the killing on healthy animals? When will a director be hired to be their voice and to keep the promises that have been made? Through social media you can now set an example of how IT CAN BE DONE. The world now is aware of...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoJennifer GordonWhat is being done to reduce the healthy dogs being euthanized at the San Antonio shelter? Hiring an ACS director that is compassionate and wants to promote helpful initiatives, having adoption events, making the public aware that fosters are needed, introducing low cost spay/neu...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoLynnPlease address the issue of how newborn and very young puppies are euthanized at the municipal animal control facility. People have asked for years if they are heart sticking them but as usual, transparency is only at the convenience of the staff. After the horrible video of th...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoMelissa GI'm writing yet again about the heinous, brutal acts of murdering gentle, healthy, very adoptable dogs by ACS. You all are well aware of what is happening, yet you continue to do nothing for years! Now San Antonio has a dog serial killer on the loose in District 1! Are you ever g...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoTerryIt is obvious to the world that no matter who you hire as long as Animal Control is under the direction of the current administration both departmentally and local government that there is no plans to even try and change the catch and kill model culture currently in place and def...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoKelsey H416 Adoptable pets (cats and dogs) were killed/murdered at San Antonio Animal Care Services during the month of July 2024. This is horrific and sickening. Why is the number so high (416) when there were multiple adoption events that took place through out the 31 days of July? It ...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoKelsey HWhat are the plans or actions being taken / put into place to keep the residents and pets of San Antonio safe with the dog/cat serial killer on the loose? Have there been any leads or tips reported to San Antonio PD? These events occurred on 8/10/24 and likely will not stop until...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoCecilia Villarreal How much longer must we wait for ACS to become a proactive entity and begin the process of no-kill? There are plenty of animal lovers who are willing to put in time and effort to change the horrible conditions at ACS. People who care deeply about animals and want to be part of t...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoKelsey HThere are numerous reports circling of a San Antonio man placing dog food in the middle of streets to lure strays into the street and then he runs them over with his vehicle. What is going to be done about all of these unhinged, psychopath, murderous individuals? All of this is a...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoKathy LongI am writing you from Virginia, begging someone to please get involved and help the animals at ACS in San Antonio and Texas as a whole. Please come up with new ideas on how to address the stray problem in Texas, Spay and Neuter policies etc., also heard the news about what happen...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoemily cassoHi, For the last 9 years I have been active in the rescue community but for the last 2.5 years my focus has been in helping my community. I took advantage of the resources offered to help my nieghbors and other members of my community get their dogs fixed by scheduling their app...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoGail Rodriguez I have been networking these dogs for over 20 years and still nothing has changed. ACS should at least give mommas and their babies more time and also owner surrenders. Just like last week there were 2 puppies owner surrenders and no response was done and ACS just killed them. SA...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoLJI live in downtown, close to highway 37S. We frequently hear gun shots that sound to us like automatic and handgun fire.
We have had at least three incidences where gun shots were fired just yards away from our home where in one early morning incident the repercussions shook ...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoWe have had at least three incidences where gun shots were fired just yards away from our home where in one early morning incident the repercussions shook ...See More
Jeanette pinto The city is faced with over populated abandoned animals, and no one willing to take care of them. The people who are caring for them, are doing the best they can, with what we have on hand. And that’ is a place to sleep and eat. Due to the strict regulations, of the up keep, o...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoTracey Stretton When will San Antonio ACS Shelter in Texas and all other Shelters in SA become 100% ZERO KILL Sanctuaries ? At present the NO kill Status is not working. The live rate at ACS is 82% meaning that ACS is killing far more Dogs and Cats than the 10% they are allowed to kill as a NO k...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoLJThe animals in San Antonio are not only being killed at our shelter they are also being gunned down on the streets. When will the animals become a priority? When will the city show compassion and concern for the needless killings at animal care services? Do you know that mothers...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoShelly Works I urge the City council and our Mayor to continue a search for a compassionate and knowledgeable director of ACS. Animal Care services implies that caring and compassion are elements of the services offered.
A high euthanasia rate is not the goal of any ACS. The goals shou...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoA high euthanasia rate is not the goal of any ACS. The goals shou...See More
Dolores Gomez People that hurt animals should have prison time. Make them work supervised in animal shelters cleaning their cages. Also, a strong law against breeding dogs, there are too many strays because people don't want them anymore. Breeding should be stopped. People are making free mone...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoRebecca SweatI ask this council to investigate deeper into the animal crisis in this city. This week we saw horrific abuse with three District One dogs shot and killed unprovoked. Numerous studies have found a direct correlation between animal abuse and those who later commit more violent cri...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoJacqueline FonsecaThere are two issues I would like to comment on today. The first is the ongoing horse drawn carriages, this type of business model is archaic and the horses deserve to be retired. Recently I heard the owner of Yellow Rose Horse Carriage Co. speak about how she loves her horses an...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoDeborah Carlson I am appalled at the continued euthanasia of perfectly adoptable animals at San Antonio ACS. Where are the additional kennels that were approved in the last budget? There needs to be a mandatory spay and neuter ordinance. The recommendations made by the Petco Love Consultant back...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoCindy AgonisThere are so many things to write about with the current animal crisis in this city and in the state of Texas as a whole. I dont really understand the leadership here in this city, do you not have enough proof that we have a crisis? Do you continue to ignore all the ideas and c...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoAlison esswoodI am writing on behalf of Daisy a beautiful dog who was killed yesterday by ACS. She was described as a Velcro dog “ DARLING DAISY is SUCH a SWEETHEART! She ADORES PEOPLE & is a VELCRO DOG who likes to FOLLOW her PERSON AROUND & SIT LOYALLY by their SIDE”. Sadly she was d...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoJ. LueraI apologize for having to cancel my in-person appearance, but I have two items: 1). I want to thank Mary from the engagement office for helping my community members and I with information regarding our awesome neighborhood association, the Gardendale Neighborhood Association; and...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoEmily Joy GarzaI urge the city council to prioritize funding for San Antonio animal care in the upcoming budget. The current animal care crisis poses serious public health and safety concerns. Overcrowded shelters and rising numbers of abandoned animals highlight the urgent need for enhanced re...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoBarbIt's astonishing there is no resolution or strategy to stop the heartless killings in SA ACS. There is an out of control stray population that you will never be able to kill your way out of. Why are irresponsible owners surrendering an entire families to be killed? Because the...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoBanning horse drawn carriages and transitioning to the humane alternative of electric horseless carriages is critical to protect public safety and the overworked horses
The boiling asphalt & exhaust fumes in the city is not a natural environment for horses who are eas...See More
ReplyFlag7 months agoThe boiling asphalt & exhaust fumes in the city is not a natural environment for horses who are eas...See More
City Council B Session
City Council B Session
Wed, Aug 14 2024 2:00 PM
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