Clean Water Plan - SEPA Scoping
Clean Water Plan - SEPA Scoping
The SEPA scoping public comment period closed 5 p.m. on July 19, 2020.
Clean Water Plan SEPA Scoping
Online Open House
Welcome to King County’s online open house supporting the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) scoping process for the Clean Water Plan (Plan) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The purpose of this online open house is to invite public comment on the scope of the Draft EIS. The Clean Water Plan will guide King County’s wastewater investments for decades to come. The investments being considered in the Plan represent a major opportunity to support the economic, social, and ecological health of the region. To learn more about the Clean Water Plan, click on the Clean Water Plan tab above or visit the plan’s webpage.
No in-person meetings planned
Due to COVID-19, King County's Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is not currently hosting in-person meetings or events for the Clean Water Plan. However, WTD remains committed to sharing information and gathering feedback from community members in alternative ways, including this online open house.
How to use this online open house
To advance through this open house, scroll down to read each page, then click the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page. Or, select the tab you want at the top of each page.
What is SEPA and what is scoping?
Enacted in 1971, SEPA is a law that requires state and local agencies to identify the likely environmental consequences of proposed actions and plans. The environmental consequences are identified through a SEPA review process. When potentially significant impacts are anticipated, an EIS is required.
“Scoping” refers to the formal public comment period, required under SEPA, which takes place before a Draft EIS is written. A second formal public comment period also occurs after the Draft EIS has been issued. During scoping, interested parties—state and local agencies, Tribes, and the general public—are invited to comment on the information that will be used to develop the Draft EIS. The purpose of the scoping notice is to seek input on what environmental considerations the Draft EIS should analyze.
The goal of the Clean Water Plan is to make the right investments at the right time for the best water quality outcomes.
SEPA scoping notice for the Clean Water Plan EIS
On May 20, 2020, WTD, the lead agency for the Clean Water Plan, issued a Determination of Significance and Request for Comments on the Scope of the Programmatic EIS. This formally began the SEPA scoping public comment period.
We invite you to make comments on mitigation measures, probable significant adverse impacts, and required permits or other approvals. The SEPA scoping public comment period is open through 5 p.m. on June July 19, 2020.
How to submit a formal SEPA scoping comment
To make a formal SEPA comment, submit your comment via email or regular mail:
Email to:
Mail to:
Katherine Fischer
Environmental Programs Managing Supervisor
King County Wastewater Treatment Division
201 S Jackson Street, MS: KSC-NR-0505
Seattle, WA 98104-3855
Have a question about the Clean Water Plan or the scoping process?
Click on the How to Comment tab in this open house to ask questions about the SEPA process or the Clean Water Plan or for details about how to make a comment.
Thank you for your participation in the Clean Water Plan SEPA scoping process and online open house.