U-6044: Cox Road Improvements
U-6044: Cox Road Improvements
NCDOT is proposing to make widening and operational improvements to Cox Road between I-85 and U.S. 29/74 in Gastonia.
This project will be awarded for construction using an alternative delivery process known as Design Build along with two other projects (I-5719 and U-5800)
The map below shows the study area for all three projects.
Project Overview
NCDOT and local transportation agency staff have identified a number of needs in the project vicinity, including:
Congestion queueing (backup line) near the CaroMont Regional Medical Center (just northwest of the study area) is causing pressure on nearby intersections
Improved north-south and east-west vehicular connectivity
Improved pedestrian corridors in and around the study area
Based on the above needs, NCDOT intends to improve the Cox Road intersection and the roadway approaches in order to alleviate queues and to make operational improvements at the intersection. A secondary objective is to improve pedestrian mobility at and around the intersection.
Functional plans for four concepts were prepared:
Concept 1 (“Enhanced Conventional”)
an at-grade intersection with additional northbound and southbound lanes on Cox/Armstrong Park Road
Concept 2 (“South Bound Elevated Lefts”)
a grade separated intersection. In this design, the southbound left-turn lanes from Cox Road would be bridged over Franklin Boulevard
Concept 3 (“North-south Elevated Throughs”)
a grade separated intersection. Northbound and southbound through movements would be bridged over Franklin Boulevard
proposed in the Franklin Boulevard study and referred to as Alternative 1 in the Franklin Boulevard Corridor Access and Alternative Development Mobility Strategy
Concept 4 (“Southbound Displaced Lefts”)
an at-grade intersection with partial displaced left-turn (continuous flow) lanes from southbound Cox Road onto eastbound Franklin Boulevard
There were no concepts developed for a new location.
Based on studies performed in 2019, Concepts 2 and 3 have been eliminated from further consideration since they hinder further development in the area, negatively impact future plans for light rail, and have high cost.
Project History
The 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Adopted March 2022, defines Cox Road as a recommended project that complies with the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
The Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization’s 2040 Comprehensive Transportation Plan identified this stretch of Cox Road as “needs improvement” in both highway and pedestrian categories.
The City of Gastonia included the intersection of Cox Road/ Armstrong Road and Franklin Boulevard in the 2016 Franklin Boulevard Corridor Access and Alternative Development Mobility Strategy recognizing that this location is vital to the safety and mobility of the traveling public in the region as well as the traffic capacity of the overall facility.
This stretch of Cox Road currently serves 31,700 to 45,530 vehicles per day.
Preliminary engineering and environmental studies began in 2018 but were halted in August of 2019. Project U-6044 was restarted in April of 2023. Previously completed studies are being evaluated for current validity.
As U.S. 29/74 (Franklin Boulevard is a parallel route to Interstate 85 and Cox Road is a crucial connector between the two, NCDOT proposes to combine Project U-6044 with two other projects, I-5719 and U-5800 for construction. (for information on projects I-5719 and U-5800, please visit https://www.ncdot.gov/projects/i-85-widening-gaston-county/Pages/default.aspx)
This project would improve approximately 10 miles of Interstate 85 from the U.S. 321 interchange (Exit 17) in Gastonia to the N.C. 273 interchange (Exit 27) in Mount Holly.
Work would involve widening I-85 in the project area from six to eight lanes, upgrading interchanges, relocating/replacing roadway and railroad bridges
This project proposes to improve the intersection of U.S. 29/74 and N.C. 7 in Belmont.
Typical Section
Concept 1 - Enhanced Traditional Intersection
Looking North toward I-85 at East Franklin Boulevard
Southbound Traffic Northbound Traffic
The information below relates to the improvements depicted above
Improvements proposed:
Southbound Cox Road Currently, one thru lane southbound, two left turn lanes onto Franklin Boulevard and one right-turn lane onto Franklin Boulevard | Northbound Cox Road Currently, two thru lanes from Armstrong Park Road and merging right turn lane from Franklin Boulevard |
Southbound Armstrong Park Road Currently, one lane southbound | Northbound Armstrong Park Road Currently, two thru lanes northbound, one left turn lane onto Franklin Boulevard and one right turn lane onto Franklin Boulevard |
* To turn left from Northbound Armstrong Park Road onto Franklin Boulevard drivers will
Typical Section
Concept 4 - Continuous Flow Intersection
Looking North toward I-85 at East Franklin Boulevard
Southbound Traffic Northbound Traffic Southbound Left Turning Traffic
Concept 4 includes a continuous flow intersection
The information below relates to the improvements depicted above
Improvements proposed:
Southbound Cox Road Currently, one thru lane southbound onto Armstrong Park Road, two left turn lanes onto Franklin Boulevard and one right-turn lane onto Franklin Boulevard | Northbound Cox Road Currently, two thru lanes from Armstrong Park Road and merging right turn lane from Franklin Boulevard |
Continuous flow specific improvements
Southbound Armstrong Park Road Currently, one lane southbound | Northbound Armstrong Park Road. Currently, two thru lanes northbound, one left turn lane onto Franklin Boulevard and one right turn lane onto Franklin Boulevard |
* To turn left from Northbound Armstrong Park Road onto Franklin Boulevard drivers will
Franklin Boulevard Improvements
The following information is the same for both Concepts.
Eastbound Franklin Boulevard | Westbound Franklin Boulevard |
Typical Section - Franklin Boulevard
Project Funding
| Estimated Cost* |
Utility Cost | $ 1.5 Million |
Right of Way Acquisition | $ 49.5 Million |
Construction | $ 14.3 Million |
Total Cost | $ 65.3 Million |
* Costs shown are estimates and subject to change
Project Timeline
| Estimated Date* |
Environmental Document | May 2024 |
Design Build Award for Construction with projects I-5719 and U-5800 | November 2024 |
Right of Way Acquisition and Construction Begins | To Be Determined |
* Future dates are subject to change
Project Comments
NCDOT accepts comments throughout all phases of project development.
All comments will be taken into consideration, and carry equal weight, regardless of submittal method.
To submit comments for consideration during the current phase of project development,
please submit before March 1, 2024
The public is encouraged to leave comments using this webpage, email, or phone number:
Email: Cox-Road-Gastonia@publicinput.com
Phone Number: 984-205-6615 enter project code 4919 to leave a message.
Project Contacts
Nora McCann, EIT | Gail F. Kogut, PE |
Project Manager | Consultant Project Manager |
NCDOT Project Management Unit | Weston & Sampson Engineers |
1582 Mail Service Center | 2052 Energy Drive |
Raleigh, NC 27699-1582 | Apex, NC 27502-8722 |
Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.
Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions
Right of way Acquisition Process Videos
These three projects may be combined for construction as a design-build project. This is an alternative delivery process that differs from most typical roadway projects. The design-build process allows NCDOT to hire a team of designers and contractors that is responsible for the design, right of way acquisition, and construction of a project. The team may begin construction of one portion of the project while they finish the design and right of way acquisition for others, usually resulting in faster completion. Other potential benefits to a design-build project may be innovative solutions and quicker resolution to problems that arise during design and construction. This process may provide additional alternatives or modifications to the existing alternatives, which may reduce costs and/or impacts