Question title

Where should motorized scooters be prohibited? (Check all that apply)

On all roadways with speed limits higher than 25 miles per hour
Sidewalks in the Resort Area
School properties
Town Center
Bike paths parallel to the Boardwalk
Closed to responses | 5,146 Responses

Question title

Where do you think motorized scooters could and should be permitted? (Check all that apply)

Everywhere bicycles are allowed (except any prohibited areas you selected in Question #1)
Other shared use paths (i.e., Norfolk Avenue Trail)
On all roadways with speed limits of 25 mph or less
Atlantic Avenue shared lanes
Closed to responses | 4,590 Responses

Question title

Rate the following measures that e-scooter companies can do to ensure safe rider behavior. (Absolutely Essential to Not Important At All on 10-point scale).

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Rate the following regulations the City should consider adopting to foster safe e-scooter use. (Absolutely essential to Not important at all on a 10-point scale)

4,298 responses

Question title

What other actions should be taken to create a safer environment while accommodating this new mobility mode of motorized scooters?

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