Please rate the importance of the following transportation priorities:

Question title

Repairing potholes and keeping local roads in good condition.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Paving roads where needed.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Keeping public transit fares low for students, seniors, veterans and the disabled

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Transportation projects and programs that fight climate change and improve air quality and the impacts on our environment.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Upgrading structurally declining bridges, overpasses, roads and highways.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Clearing litter on the sides of highways.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Improving 911 emergency vehicle access.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Ensure all Fresno County communities, including poor, rural and historically disadvantaged communities, receive resources to address their transportation needs.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Providing safer routes to schools.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Reducing traffic congestion.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Investing in zero-emission public transit to improve air quality.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Creating local jobs for Fresno County residents.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Prioritizing transportation improvements that improve air quality.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Improving public transit.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Improving sidewalks.

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

Improving bike paths, bike lanes and other safe biking strategies

High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Closed to responses

Question title

* What is your zip code?

This question is closed to responses.

Question title

Is there an area of concern or transportation need that you would like to see included in the new measure?

Closed for Comments

Question title

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