Transportation Chapter Overview

The Crozet Master Plan includes a chapter on transportation, which evaluates existing conditions and provides prioritized recommendations for the overall transportation network, including bicycle, pedestrian, and public transit systems, as well as road networks. Each chapter of the updated Crozet Master Plan will include a Guiding Principle and a series of goals, which are used to guide the draft recommendations shared in this online form. 

Guiding Principle

Create a multimodal transportation network that is safe and accessible for all community members, regardless of age, race, income, and ability.


  • Network connectivity
  • Safety and access for all users
  • Local and regional transit

Transportation Questionnaire Overview

This questionnaire includes sections on: 

  • Sidewalks 
  • Trails & Bike Paths 
  • Existing Roads
  • Proposed Roads
  • Transit 

Participate in the Master Plan Process

There are several upcoming opportunities to share feedback on the transportation recommendations, including: 

Frequently Asked Questions

A Master Plan is a collaboratively developed document that describes a community’s vision for future development, using text, maps, and diagrams. In Albemarle County, Master Plans are used to guide future public and private development and to coordinate and prepare more detailed plans.

Albemarle County's Comprehensive Plan has implemented a Growth Management policy directing development into specified Development Areas or areas for growth. Crozet is one of Albemarle County's seven Development Areas.

Rural Areas are intended to be conserved for rural uses, such as agriculture, forestry, and resource protection. 

Traffic studies are used to evaluate existing and future roadway networks to determine potential transportation improvements to address future traffic delays and queueing (lines). The Crozet Traffic Study is being completed by the consulting firm EPR as part of the Master Plan update and evaluates future conditions for the year 2045. The study evaluated intersections in the downtown area and Route 250 corridor to determine how future development and traffic volumes will affect wait times and the length of lines. The 2045 study proposes alternatives to address these issues, such as roundabouts, traffic signals, road connections, and turn lanes.
VDOT provides information on when roundabouts should be used as intersection improvements and how they function. Information on when roundabouts should be implemented and how to navigate them can be found here:

Past Transportation Engagement Opportunities

Since September 2019, County staff have been collaborating with community members, the Crozet Community Advisory Committee (CCAC), and local organizations to develop draft transportation recommendations for the 2020-2021 Crozet Master Plan Update.

In-person and online opportunities held to-date: 

  • Imagine Crozet Community Workshop #1 (09/09/19)
  • "Coffee Talk" with County staff at Mudhouse (09/19/19)
  • Imagine Crozet Community Workshop #2 (10/01/19)
  • "Coffee Talk" with County staff at Grit Coffee (10/17/19)
  • Crozet Character & Connectivity Tour (10/26/19)
  • "Coffee Talk" with County staff at Green House Coffee (11/21/19)
  • Connectivity: Bicycle & Pedestrian Virtual Workshop (June-July 2020)
  • Connectivity: Roadways and Transit Virtual Workshop (June-July 2020)
  • CCAC Meeting - Connectivity Feedback Summary from Online Workshops (07/08/20) 
  • CCAC Work Session - 2045 Alternatives for Road Improvements (12/09/20)
  • CCAC Work Session - Draft Transportation Recommendations (01/27/21)

Below, watch the January 27, 2021 CCAC meeting, which includes an overview presentation of draft Transportation recommendations