Over the past few months, we've heard several common themes about Crozet's character, connectivity, conservation and future implementation projects.

Before we work to develop specific recommendations, we'd like your feedback on draft guiding principles for each of these themes. We also would like your feedback on future discussion topics, where we'll work together to develop specific goals and recommendations. 

CHARACTER (what makes up the unique qualities of a place)

Question title

How well does the Guiding Principle below capture your vision for the future of Crozet's CHARACTER?

GUIDING PRINCIPLE: Support Crozet’s “small town” character through development that is compatible in scale and design, offers housing choice, and respects its history.

Accurately reflects my vision
Very accurately reflects my vision
Somewhat reflects my vision
Does not reflect my vision
Closed to responses | 233 Responses

Question title

What topics should be discussed when developing the CHARACTER chapter of the Master Plan?

appropriate design and scale
rural edges
mixed-use activity centers
housing variety and choice
placemaking, arts, and culture
Closed to responses | 178 Responses

CONNECTIVITY  (how people move around their community)

Question title

How well does the Guiding Principle below capture your vision for the future of CONNECTIVITY in Crozet?

GUIDING PRINCIPLE: Continue to create a multimodal transportation network that is safe and accessible for all residents, regardless of age, race, income, and ability.

Accurately reflects my vision
Very accurately reflects my vision
Somewhat reflects my vision
Does not reflect my vision
Closed to responses | 177 Responses

Question title

What topics should be discussed when developing the CONNECTIVITY chapter of the Master Plan?

safety and access for all users
local and regional transit
network connectivity
Closed to responses | 153 Responses

CONSERVATION (thoughtful planning for recreation, greenways, and natural resources)

Question title

How well does the Guiding Principle below capture your vision for the future of CONSERVATION in Crozet?

GUIDING PRINCIPLE: Enhance Crozet’s natural beauty and the surrounding rural areas with an integrated network of parks and gathering spaces, trails, and greenways that support outdoor recreation and natural resource conservation.

Very accurately reflects my vision
Accurately reflects my vision
Somewhat reflects my vision
Does not reflect my vision
Closed to responses | 181 Responses

Question title

What topics should be discussed when developing the CONSERVATION chapter of the Master Plan?

natural resource conservation and sustainability
trail & greenway connectivity
community parks & outdoor recreation opportunities
access to rural and regional amenities
Closed to responses | 167 Responses

IMPLEMENTATION (providing the supporting tools and investments to achieve other chapters’ recommendations)

Question title

GUIDING PRINCIPLE: Provide strategic & timely support for community partnerships, local economic development, policy changes, and capital investments to support a changing Crozet.

How well does the above guiding principle capture your vision for the future implementation projects in Crozet?

Accurately reflects my vision
Somewhat reflects my vision
Very accurately reflects my vision
Does not reflect my vision
Closed to responses | 164 Responses

Question title

What topics should be discussed when developing the IMPLEMENTATION chapter of the Master Plan?

zoning & policy updates
capital improvements
project prioritization
economic development initiatives
community partnerships
Closed to responses | 161 Responses

Glossary of Terms

Character:The atmosphere or physical environment which is created by the combination of land use and buildings within an area. Character is established and influenced by land-use types and intensity, traffic generation, and also by the location, size, and design of structures as well as the interrelationship of all these features.

Connectivity: Connectivity refers to the density of connections in path or road networks, and the directness of links. A well-connected network has many short links, numerous intersections, and minimal dead-ends (cul-de-sacs)

Conservation: The current employment of land, the preservation of which use would conserve and enhance natural or scenic resources, protect streams and water supplies, or preserve sites designated as historic pursuant to law, provided such land has a greater value for another use than for open space use. 

Master Plan: A document that describes, in narrative and with maps, an overall development concept. The master plan is used to coordinate the preparation of more detailed plans or may be a collection of detailed plans. The plan may be prepared by a local government to guide private and public development or by a developer on a specific project.

Example: The neighborhood planners checked to see if the zoning request complied with the Crozet Master

Mixed Use: Any urban, suburban or development, or a single building, that combines residential with various uses such as commercial, employment, cultural, institutional or industrial where those functions are physically and functionally integrated and provide pedestrian connections, as well as access to multi-modal transportation options.