Enhance Communication

To help communicate everything that Meck Park and Rec offers, MeckPlaybook recommends clearly describing them within the following three categories:

Greenway Trails
Rec. / Senior Centers
Nature Preserves

Swimming Lessons
Clubs and Classes
Senior Programs

Sports Events
Community Events
Farmers Markets      


Rethink Our Brand

Mecklenburg Park and Rec needs an identity that is as bold as the programs, parks and trails it provides to the public. We can look to other organizations to better understand how they brand themselves as inspiration for the Department. Here are a few examples of branding we found to be compelling.

A moodboard of branding examples from national and international organizations which speak to the mission of Mecklenburg Park and Rec.



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What are the best ways to reach you?

Click all that apply.

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Tell us what you think!

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Help us prioritize!

Tell us how the Department can best communicate all that it has to offer by ranking the following strategies and let us know if we are missing any!

Drag and drop to rank the priorities.

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