About the Comprehensive Planning Process

We're having a citywide conversation about change, focusing on where we are now and where we want to go in the next 20 years. This plan will guide elected officials, staff, planning board members and others when working with regulations, policies and projects that impact development and the quality of life in Greenville.

Every Greenville resident is a stakeholder in their home and future and everyone's participation is needed to make this an inclusive, successful process.

Phase 1 - What We Believe

June to August 2019

Establishing our values and priorities


Phase 2 - What Is Happening

September to November 2019

Identifying relevant trends and conditions

Phase 3 - What Might Change

January to February 2020

Growth and change scenarios

Phase 4 - What We Choose

March to May 2020

Benefits, costs and trade-offs

Phase 5 - How We Will Make Decisions

June to August 2020

Draft plan and decision-making framework

Phase 6 - Confirmation of Our Vision

September 2020 to January 2021

Finalize for adoption and implementation

Survey Results

GVL2040 Virtual Open House: June 2020

Unlike the previous open house events, the fourth GVL2040 open house is virtual and allows community members to read and review information about the plan and submit comments at their convenience.

GVL2040 Public Survey 3: May 2020

Thanks to contributions from members of the GVL2040 Steering Committee and input from the community, the following has become clear over the past 10 months: (1) Greenville wants to continue growth and...

GVL2040 Public Survey 2: October 2019

In July, the City conducted its first public survey to find out what those who live, work and own businesses and property in Greenville think are the most important topics/issues that need to be addressed...

Gvl2040 Public Survey: June 2019

The City of Greenville is embarking on a comprehensive planning process called GVL2040. The City’s last comprehensive plan was adopted in 2009 after a two-year planning process called Plan-it Greenville...

Question title

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