Enfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
Enfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
NCDOT has awarded a grant to the Town of Enfield to develop a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The goals of this plan are to develop a list of bicycle and pedestrian projects that help get people moving, make walking and biking safer, and bring jobs to Enfield.
Once complete, NCDOT will include the results in development of the Bicycle and Pedestrian elements of the County's Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP). Comprehensive Transportation Plans are the long range vision plan for transportation networks for Municipalities and Counties throughout the State.
To be successful the plan needs your support. We would like to know what projects you think should be undertaken.
Project contact:
Bryan Lopez | Trannsportation Planner, NCDOT Integrated Mobility Division
balopez@ncdot.gov | (919) 707 2606
Enfield Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
NCDOT staff along wtih Consultant project Engineers and Planners visited Enfield to get a feel for the Town. The Mayor and a steering committee of eight residents have helped them better understand Enfield.
The team had hoped to have a local meeting to discuss project ideas with you, however the COVID 19 pandemic has interfered with that process. Instead, we would like you to help us by completing this survey.
The Projects
- Health
- River Street Public Space
- Permanent Farmer's Market Location
- Safety
- High Visibility Pedestrian Crossing of U.S. 301 at Whitaker Street
- Sidewalks Along U.S. 301 inside the Town Limits
- Economic Development
- Outdoor Dining Ordinance
- Self Guided Tour of Enfield
What do you mean by a facility?
A facility is anything that encourages walking or bicycling. For example, a facility may be a sidewalk, crosswalk, bike lane, ADA ramp, a bike rack, or something else.
What is a multiuse sidepath?
A two-way shared use path located immediately adjacent and parallel to a roadway.
What is an off-road trail?
A corridor of land, usually following features such as rivers, old railroad lines, which is used for recreation or alternative transportation purposes (i.e. Roanoke Canal Trail).
What is a sidewalk?
A designated space along the side of a road for use by pedestrians.
What is a bike lane?
A travel lane that is striped a minimum of 5 feet and designated for bicycle use only.