Phase 2 - Architecture & Preservation
Phase 2 - Architecture & Preservation
Crozetians have told us about the importance of preserving historic architecture and existing housing in Downtown Crozet, along St. George Avenue and on Hill Top Street.
We invite you to discuss policy tools and recommendations that can address the community's goals regarding architecture and preservation.
Your participation will be used to draft recommendations in the Character Chapter of the Crozet Master Plan.
A Master Plan is a collaboratively developed document that describes a community's vision for future development, using text, maps and diagrams.
In Albemarle County, Master Plans are used for each Development Area to guide future public and private development. They are incorporated in to the County's overall Comprehensive Plan document.
This online feedback opportunity is a part of the process to update the 2010 Crozet Master Plan.
Before beginning this form, watch the videos below to learn more about why we're asking about architecture and preservation and key concepts related to this topic. You can always refer to the Glossary on the right side of your web page while filling out this form.
This form includes questions about:
Downtown Crozet: This includes the area within the "Downtown Crozet District" - a zoning district intended to support traditional downtown development.
Neighborhoods in Crozet's Historic District: This includes residential neighborhoods that are included within the "Crozet Historic District", an area with buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Hill Top Street, High Street & Other Adjoining Neighborhoods: This includes residential neighborhoods located next to Downtown, outside of the Crozet Historic District, including Hill Top Street and High Street.
Each response is recorded individually. If you can’t respond to every question all at once (or only want to answer questions for a specific area), you can come back at any time and resume.
Historic Preservation
Contributing Resource: A building, structure, or object that highlights the district's historically or architecturally significant qualities.
Crozet Historic District: The Crozet Historic District was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2012 due to the historic buildings or "contributing resources" in the area. There are a variety of building styles that reflect the steady growth and development of Crozet from it's earliest settlement to the present.
National Register of Historic Places: A property listed on the National Register of Historic Places is an honorary designation and does not carry any restrictions on property use. Contributing structures and properties may be eligible for financial incentives such as Historic Preservation Tax Credits.
Design Characteristics
Lot Placement: Refers to where building(s) are located on a site, such as how far it is set back from the street and the amount of space between buildings next to each other.
Why is it important? Consistent spacing and setbacks help to establish an overall rhythm of buildings along a street.
Building Size: The height and mass of a building determines it's size and scale compared to buildings around it.
Why is it important? The size of a building and its relationship to the site and neighborhood buildings is an important element in defining a historic streetscape. The form, or overall shape of a building, is similarly important.
Materials and Details: The unique details and components that together for the architectural style of buildings.
Why is it important? Historic building materials and stylistic architectural details are some of the more important character-defining features of a building. Materials and detailing often help to distinguish older buildings from newer ones.
Parking: The use of space devoted to the parking of vehicles.
Why is it important? Parking can have a significant impact on walkability, visual compatibility and the aesthetic appeal of Crozet.
Retaining Walls, Fencing, and Landscaping: The addition of plants, change of terrain or construction of structures that changes the visible features of land.
Why is it important? Landscaping, retaining walls and fencing can be used to define individual parcels as well as shared spaces. These features affect how inviting a space or streetscape feels.
Outbuildings (Supporting Buildings and Structures): Garages, sheds, and other supporting structures located on the same property as the primary building, such as a house.
Why is it important? This is a defining feature of Crozet's historic neighborhoods and often relate directly to the historic use of a property.