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Strengths: What is great in Seminole County today that should be continued, preserved, or expanded?

Add your ideas and vote to agree with other participants' ideas. You can enter more than one idea. It's best to enter each idea as a separate comment.

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Weaknesses: What is a major need or problem in the County that needs to be addressed?

Add your ideas and vote to agree with other participants' ideas. You can enter more than one idea. It's best to enter each idea as a separate comment.

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Opportunities: What is great opportunities are coming over the next 20 years that the vision should anticipate and build on?

Add your ideas and vote to agree with other participants' ideas. You can enter more than one idea. It's best to enter each idea as a separate comment.

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Threats: What challenges do you see coming over the next 20 year that the plan should prepare to address?

Add your ideas and vote to agree with other participants' ideas. You can enter more than one idea. It's best to enter each idea as a separate comment.

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