Commercial Shellfish HOME
Commercial Shellfish HOME
Welcome to the Commercial Shellfish engagement home page.
There are three primary phases of rule making: the Preproposal (CR-101) Phase, the Rule Proposal (CR-102) Phase, and the Rule Adoption (CR-103P) Phase:
- The preproposal phase begins when the agency files a CR-101 "Preproposal Statement of Inquiry" with the state Code Revisers Office. During this phase, the rule proposal is in the beginning stages of development, and the public is encouraged to provide general comments on the subject matter.
- The rule proposal phase begins when the agency files a CR-102 "Proposed Rule Making Notice" with the state Code Revisers Office. During this phase, the public is encouraged to comment on the specific new or amendatory proposed rule making.
- The rule adoption phase is the final step of the process. Depending on statutory authority, the rule may be adopted by either the WDFW director or by the Fish and Wildlife Commission during a commission meeting. The adopted rule can then be filed with the Code Revisers Office with a CR-103P "Rule Making Order", at which point it becomes final.
Please note: All comments received by WDFW are part of the public record and will be available for public viewing - so please do not include private information in the text of your comments. Comments are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56.
Commercial Shellfish Preproposal CR-101 (2022)
Thank you for your interest in commenting!This rule making is currently in development during a preproposal phase. The preproposal document is open for commenting.Please refer to the preproposal document:...
Commercial Shellfish Rule Making Proposal CR-102 (2022)
This public engagement portal provides an opportunity for the public to submit comments on the proposed rule changes during the public comment period.