R-5900 - N.C. 210, Caretta Drive, and Charlie Medlin Drive Improvements - Surf City
R-5900 - N.C. 210, Caretta Drive, and Charlie Medlin Drive Improvements - Surf City
The N. C. Department of Transportation proposes to improve NC. 210, Caretta Drive, and Charlie Medlin Drive in Surf City.
Study Area Map
Open House Public Meeting
Held - September 9, 2024
Surf City Parks and Recreation - Gymnasium - 201 Community Center Drive, Surf City
No Formal Presentation Was Made
Responses to questions and comments received during the public comment period
can be viewed or downloaded by clicking here.
Project Overview
The N.C. Department of Transportation, Highway Division 3 proposes to improve N.C. 210, Caretta Drive, and Charlie Medlin Drive in Surf City. The purpose of the project is to improve mobility and increase capacity in the area.
Project Highlights
The project includes improvements along Charlie Medlin Drive and Caretta Drive, to form a quadrant road to bypass the N.C. 50/N.C. 210/Belt Road intersection.
Caretta Drive will be extended to the north approximately 1,200 feet from its current end to intersect with N.C. 210 at a traffic signal.
The proposed typical section for Charlie Medlin Drive and Caretta Drive includes two 12-foot lanes with a center two-way left turn lane.
At the new intersection created with Caretta Drive and N.C. 210, Florence Way will be extended to create a fourth leg of the intersection.
To improve the signal spacing, the existing signal at N.C. 210 & Kayda Way/Fun Center Drive is proposed to be removed. These intersections will be converted into right-in/right-out intersections, with Fun Center drive having a channelized left-turn from N.C. 210 westbound.
Traffic that currently travels between N.C. 210 to the west and N.C. 50/210 to the south will use Caretta Drive and Charlie Medlin Drive rather than the N.C. 50/N.C. 210/Belt Road intersection.
Traffic heading toward Surf City along N.C. 210 will be diverted south along Caretta Drive, through a roundabout intersection with Tortuga Lane and Charlie Medlin Drive, then travel east along Charlie Medlin Drive, and eventually connect back to N.C. 50/210.
Traffic heading to N.C. 210 westbound will travel along the same route in the opposite direction. This new route will serve as an alternate path to and from Topsail Island.
Project History
Initial project coordination and concept development for the proposed R-5900 project began in 2017 as the Strategic Transportation Prioritization Project H170045. Initial design concepts included a multi-lane roundabout at the N.C. 50/210/Belt Road intersection. Additional growth in the Surf City area prompted new traffic analyses in 2021, which determined the roundabout would fail in the future year condition (2040).
Beginning in 2022, various design concepts were developed and analyzed that bypassed the busy N.C. 50/210/Belt Road intersection via a new connection from N.C. 210 to Roland Avenue (N.C. 50/210). As designs were refined, roadway improvements along N.C. 210 and N.C. 50/210 were minimized to the extent practicable to minimize impacts to residences and businesses.
The current proposed design was selected in 2024.
Project Funding:
Milestone | Cost* |
Right Of Way Aquisition | $ 4.6 Million |
Utility Relocation | $ 310,000 |
Construction Cost | $ 19.5 Million |
Total Cost | $ 24.1 Million |
*costs are subject to change.
Project Timeline:
Milestone | Date* |
Environmental Document | December 2024 |
Right Of Way Aquisition | May 2025 |
Construction Begins | October 2027 |
* Future dates subject to change.
NCDOT accepts comments throughout all phases of project development.
All comments will be taken into consideration, and carry equal weight, regardless of submittal method.
The public comment period for the current phase of project development,
closed on September 30, 2024.
The public is encouraged to leave comments using this webpage, email, or phone number:
Email: NC210-Improvements-SurfCity@publicinput.com
Phone Number: 984-205-6615 enter project code 10352 to leave a message
Zachary R. Howard, E.I
Division Project Manager
NCDOT Highway Division 3
5501 Barbados Blvd
Castle Hayne, NC 28429
James Byrd, P.E.
Project Manager
4000 Center At North Hills Street, Suite 500
Raleigh, NC 27609
Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.
Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions
Right of way Acquisition Process Videos
Title VI Feedback
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