Project Highlights

Project U-6203 proposes the following improvements:

  • Widen N.C. 210 from two to four 11-foot travel lanes between N.C. 50 and Raleigh Road

  • Improve the intersections at N.C. 50, Pleasant Coates Road, and Raleigh Road

  • Reconfigure the I-40 (Exit 319) interchange

The proposed roadway typical section along N.C. 210 includes four 11-foot travel lanes with a raised median and five-foot paved shoulders.  

U-6203 Typical Section


To improve traffic operations and safety, Reduced Conflict Intersection design components (also known as a superstreet) are proposed throughout the project corridor.


Project History

Initial field surveys to identify environmental resources were conducted within the project area from late 2021 through early 2022. Following the development of preliminary roadway design plans, an informational project newsletter was mailed to residents and business owners in the project vicinity in September 2022. A Public Meeting was held on December 13, 2022, during which a total of four roadway design alternatives were presented to participants.

These four alternatives, which focused on the intersections of N.C. 210/N.C. 50 and the interchange at N.C. 210/Interstate 40, included:


NC 50 Intersection

Alternatives 1 and 3: Quadrant Left Turn

This option would construct a quadrant road on new location in the northeastern corner of the intersection with N.C. 50. Quadrant roads help to improve operational efficiency at congested intersections by moving the left turns away from the main intersection and allowing a two–phase signal at the main intersection, enabling fewer stoppages and more ‘green time’ for thru-traffic. The driveway to McGee’s Crossroads Elementary and Middle Schools would also be realigned to tie into the new signalized quadrant road intersection approximately 1,100 feet east of the N.C. 50 intersection.

Quadrant Intersection

Alternatives 2 and 4: Median U-Turn

Like the quadrant road option, this alternative would permit through and right-turn movements at N.C. 210 and redirect left-turn movements away from the main intersection. To turn left on N.C. 210, drivers along N.C. 50 would first turn right and then utilize signalized U-turn areas to turn around. By removing most of the crossing conflicts, the design typically results in less severe crashes and can accommodate more traffic volume without increased delays. Median U-turn intersection designs can reduce travel time during peak conditions and increase travel speed on congested corridors.

Michigan U-Turn

I-40 Interchange

Alternatives 1 and 4: Diverging Diamond Interchange

This option would reconstruct the interchange at I-40 as a Diverging Diamond Interchange. A diverging diamond interchange allows two directions of traffic to temporarily cross to the left side of the road. When driving through a diverging diamond interchange, motorists proceed through a traffic signal at the entrance to the interchange and simply follow their lane to the opposite side of the roadway. A diverging diamond interchange allows free-flowing turns when entering and exiting an interstate, eliminating the left turn against oncoming traffic and limiting the number of traffic signal phases. It moves high volumes of traffic through an intersection without increasing the number of lanes and traffic signals. It is easy to navigate, eliminates last-minute lane changes, and provides better sight distance at turns, resulting in fewer crashes.

Diverging Diamond Interchange

Alternatives 2 and 3: Reduced Conflict Intersection

This option would retain the existing diamond configuration at I-40 while introducing Reduced Conflict Intersection components along N.C. 210 in the vicinity of the interchange. Like the Median U-turn at N.C. 50, drivers exiting I-40 to N.C. 210 would be required to turn right at the main intersection. To travel the other direction along N.C. 210, drivers would then utilize signalized U-turn bulbs to turn around outside of the interchange area. Reduced Conflict Intersection designs allow for fewer phases at traffic signals, which in turn increases the amount of traffic that can be accommodated without delays. They have also been shown to reduce crash rates and improve safety.

Reduced Conflict Intersection


Following the Public Meeting, a 30-day comment period was provided during which comments were gathered by the project team, analyzed, and responses provided.  Comments received were generally supportive of the need for the project but expressed concerns about potential project impacts. The most frequently expressed concerns were regarding direct impacts to personal property, changes to property access (specifically at the Daniel Farms neighborhood and individual business driveways), questions about the benefits and navigation of Reduced Conflict Intersections (RCIs), questions about the NCDOT right of way acquisition process, and requests for multimodal accommodations along the corridor. Multiple commenters suggested the need for the project to be constructed sooner than currently planned and identified other roadways in the project vicinity for which improvements are needed. Although many commenters did not note a specific alternative preference, the most commonly preferred options were the Median U-Turn Intersection at NC 50 in conjunction with a Diverging Diamond Interchange at I-40 (Alternative 4).

After reviewing public comments, environmental resource impacts, and cost estimates, the project team selected Alternative 4 (Median U-Turn Intersection at NC 50 with a Diverging Diamond Interchange at I-40) as the Preferred Alternative to be carried forward for further design. This decision was documented in the U-6203 Categorical Exclusion, which was completed in April 2023. A postcard was distributed in November 2023 to residents and business owners in the project area to provide an update on project activities.


Download/View All Project Maps 


A video explaining how to read a public hearing or meeting map can be viewed below. The video contains information on colors and symbols used.


Next Steps

The project team is currently developing more detailed roadway design plans that incorporate components such as drainage/utility easements and working to determine the final limits of right of way acquisition. These plans are anticipated to be completed by early 2025. At that time, NCDOT will begin the process of contacting affected landowners to discuss right of way acquisition. Additional information on NCDOT’s right of way acquisition process can be found at the bottom of this page under the ‘Resources For Property Owners’ section. Once right of way acquisition is complete, project construction is scheduled to begin in late 2027. Interested residents and property owners are encouraged to periodically check this project page for updates and project contact information.


Project Funding



Property Acquisition


Utility Relocation






* Costs are preliminary and subject to change

Project Timeline



Project Newsletter

September 2022

Public Meeting 1

December 13, 2022

Environmental Document 

April 2023

Right-of-Way Acquisition Begins

 Fall 2026

Construction Begins

Fall 2027

Construction Complete


* Future dates are preliminary and subject to change

Project Comments


NCDOT accepts comments throughout all phases of project development.  
The public is encouraged to leave comments using this website, email, or phone number:



Phone Number: 601-300-5186 enter project code 5122


Question title

Would you like to be added to the project mailing list? Please provide your email address.

Question title

Do you have any questions or comments regarding the proposed improvements to N.C 210?

Closed for Comments

Project Contact

 Chad Coggins

NCDOT Highway Division 4

Division Project Manager

PO Box 3165

Wilson, NC 27895

601-300-5186  code 5122

Project Contact

Abby Vogt, PE


Consultant Project Manager

PO Box 33127

Raleigh, NC 27636

601-300-5186  code 5122

Title VI Feedback

To ensure we’re hearing from a broad set of voices, would you be willing to share (completely anonymously) some information about yourself?

If so, please click here:


Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.  

Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout      Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions

Right of way Acquisition Process Videos

English                                                                     Spanish