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The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities engagement hub is the online home for outreach and listening efforts to shape the future of our community. Here you can find upcoming events, initiatives, and opportunities to share your input on key topics.

Surveys & Projects

Icon image for FROB Utility Work

FROB Utility Work

Utility Repair Work at the Fairbanks Regional Office Building


Final STIP 2024 to 2027

Click Participate to learn more.

MatSu Valley Planning for Transportation (MVP) Streetlight Intersection Management Plan

STIP Identifier: 34655

Location: MVP Boundary

Region: Anchorage / Mat-Su Region

DOT&PF Region: Central Region

Borough or Census Area: Matanuska-Susitna Borough


STIP 2024-2027 STIP 2024-2027 Amended Safety Anchorage / Mat-Su Region

Featured Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Aviation Advisory Board
Wed, Feb 19 10:00 AM

The Aviation Advisory Board is meeting on February 19th. At 3132 Chanel Drive, Room 140, Juneau Alaska. Alternative methods of joining are posted below.The meeting is open and the public is invited to participate. Please contact the Development Specialist for Statewide Aviation if you have any questions, (907) 521-7014 or dylan.blankenship@alaska.govJoin Online:https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OWU5ZTVmNzEtYTY2NS00OTI3LTg2MjktMDRiMzQ2NGQ3OTdm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2220030bf6-7ad9-42f7-9273-59ea83fcfa38%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22ff8b7cd4-f828-4703-8d5b-3db7bbacc3cb%22%7dDial in by phone+1 907-202-7104,,16349834# United States, AnchorageFind a local numberPhone conference ID: 163 498 34#Join on a video conferencing deviceTenant key: 260748889@t.plcm.vcVideo ID: 113 189 241 0More info

Past Meetings & Events

New Meeting
Thu, Aug 3 2023 4:00 PM

DRAFT 2024-2027 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)VIRTUAL PUBLIC OPEN HOUSEThursday, August 3, 2023State of Alaska, DOT&PF Division of Program DevelopmentInvites you to a virtual public open house on:Thursday, August 3, 20234 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.The DRAFT 2024-2027 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is now available for public review and comment through Thursday, September 3, 2023.The Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a vital framework that directly impacts the transportation infrastructure of our state. Serving as a crucial planning tool for the DOT&PF, the STIP guides efforts to maintain, enhance, and expand Alaska's transportation system. It is a comprehensive document that outlines transportation programs and projects scheduled for implementation over a four-year period. These initiatives encompass a wide range of activities, including highway improvements, bridge repairs, waterways projects, public transportation enhancements, and more.Beyond its significance for the DOT&PF, the STIP is a valuable tool for the public. It offers a clear and concise overview of planned transportation projects, providing visibility and transparency to the residents of Alaska. By understanding the projects outlined in the STIP, individuals can stay informed about upcoming improvements in their communities, make necessary arrangements, and providing valuable feedback on proposed initiatives. This transparency is also important for our contracting and consulting partners across the state, allowing their businesses to thrive with confidence in the expected work opportunities in the coming years.To view the Draft 2024-2027 STIP, please visit the STIP website at www.dot.alaska.gov/stip, You may comment on the Draft 2024-2027 STIP at the September 3, 2023 meeting and in a variety of additional ways:Online at: www.dot.alaska.gov/stip Via Text at 855-925-2801Via Phone at 855-925-2801, Pin 2191 and leave a message 

Alaska Marine Highway Operations Board Virtual Meeting
Fri, Jan 6 2023 12:30 PM

The Alaska Marine Highway Operations Board (AMHOB) is moving away from bi-weekly meetings and will now hold virtual meetings once a month for four hours from 12:30-4:30 Alaska time.  Topics will vary from meeting to meeting.  The agenda for the January 6th, 2023 meeting is forthcoming. Public comments will be accepted from 12:40-12:55. If interested in providing comments please call the number below and follow the instructions. Please keep comments to three minutes.  Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83828717507?pwd=cFlnbjNZNXNqOUpIcTdsZU1DWXpnQ Phone Only:  +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)Meeting ID: 838 2871 7507Passcode: 0000 To watch the meeting and follow the presentations please go to the website below:  www.dot.alaska.gov/amhobBoard Members: Alan Austerman, Wanetta Ayers, Cynthia Berns, Norm Carson, Paul Johnsen, Shirley Marquardt, Captain Keith Hillard, and Captain Edward Page

December 15th 10:00 a.m. Commissioner Employee Awards Event
Thu, Dec 15 2022 10:00 AM

Employee Recognition Awards Virtual Event. https://dot.alaska.gov/er-awards/ 

December 15th 10:00 a.m. Commissioner Employee Awards Event[Copy 12/20/2022]
Thu, Dec 15 2022 10:00 AM

Employee Recognition Awards Virtual Event. https://dot.alaska.gov/er-awards/ 

Thu, Dec 15 2022 8:45 AM

Meetings & Events

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