Discussion of Problem Statement: Students have a variety of learning styles and come to school with a variety of backgrounds that affect how they learn and what subjects they find engaging.
T 3. Campuses who are financially challenged or with overburdened personnel lack curricula planning to more effectively integrate evolving technologies to ensure that students have meaningful experience with the latest tools used in the modern world.
ACTE 11. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students,Emerging Bilingual Students, Immigrant students, students with disabilities, refugee students, students identified as economically disadvantaged, students who access SPED services, and Students who are experiencing Homelessness and/or are in Foster Care lack access to structures and supports that allow them to academically and emotionally progress independently, regardless of external support.****
O2/ACTE 17. Black and Latinx students are impacted by an ineffective education on colorism, racism and inclusivity.