Facility Condition/Maintenance
Facility Condition/Maintenance
Discussion of Problem Statement: Austin ISD has many issues with its facilities. Many AISD schools have things that are broken, systems that are not reliable or are not well-maintained. Many facilities are not accessible to students, staff and families with disabilities.
VAPA 4. Lack of safe, maintained and modernized VAPA facilities or no facility affects all students, staff, parents and communities.
TSFM 2. Students, educators, and staff in facilities that have an FCA score of average or worse do not have safe, usable, and well-maintained facilities, equipment, and grounds.
TSFM 8. Maintenance department staff lack support to keep up with the maintenance challenges of newly installed equipment.
F 5. Historically underserved students and their educators are most negatively impacted by a delayed response or lack of response to facilities and maintenance requests.
F 6. Historically underserved students and their educators are disproportionately impacted by facilities with outdated and/or non-functional building systems.