VAPA 4. Lack of safe, maintained and modernized VAPA facilities or no facility affects all students, staff, parents and communities.

TSFM 2.  Students, educators, and staff in facilities that have an FCA score of average or worse do not have safe, usable, and well-maintained facilities, equipment, and grounds.

TSFM 8. Maintenance department staff lack support to keep up with the maintenance challenges of newly installed equipment.

F 5.  Historically underserved students and their educators are most negatively impacted by a delayed response or lack of response to facilities and maintenance requests.

F 6. Historically underserved students and their educators are disproportionately impacted by facilities with outdated and/or non-functional building systems.


F 7a. Students, staff, and visitors who have varying physical abilities do not have equal access on campus sites and within facilities that are not ADA compliant.
ACTE 13.  Students with disabilities, Students who access SPED Services, Students who are experiencing Homelessness and/or are in Foster Care, and Students who identify as LGBTQIA+ lack access to appropriate accommodations that ensure that their dignity is maintained and that specific needs are met at home campuses ****.
SSR 7. - Students, parents, and staff across the district are impacted by a lack of safe and secure buildings.

Question title

Students: Do you feel like your school building functions well? (For example, does the AC always work? The bathrooms?) When things aren't functioning, are they addressed quickly?

Question title

Do you feel like all students, including those with disabilities, can get around the school easily and safely?

Question title

How do all these things affect your day-to-day learning experience? Of all the problems shared, which of these impacts you and your peers the most?

Question title

Families: Do you feel like your child's school building is well functioning? For example, does the AC break-down often in your child's classroom or building? Do you feel like your child's school is maintained properly? Do you feel like your child's school is accessible to people with disabilities? If not, why?

Question title

What can the district or your campus do to make sure that your child's building is properly functioning, well maintained, and accessible?

Question title

What is your Zip Code? | ¿Cuál es su código postal?

Question title

What is your connection to AISD Schools? (Select all that apply) | Indique su conexión con las escuelas del Austin ISD (Seleccione todo lo que se aplique).

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Question title

* With which school(s) are you most closely connected? (Select all that apply) | ¿Con cuál escuela está usted más conectado? (Seleccione todas las opciones que correspondan)

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Question title

Which of these best describes your race or ethnicity? (Select all that apply) | ¿Cuáles de estos describen mejor su raza o grupo étnico? (Seleccione todo lo que se aplique).

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Question title

Which of these best describes your gender? (Select all that apply) | ¿Cuáles de estos describen mejor su género? (Seleccione todo lo que se aplique).

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Question title

To the extent that you are comfortable sharing, please share any historically underrepresented, personal, and/or social identities you have that you feel informs your perspectives | En la medida en que se sienta cómodo en hacerlo, comparta cualquier identidad históricamente poco representada, personal o social que tenga que siente que fundamenta sus perspectivas