Centreville Study
Centreville Study
Centreville and its surrounding area offer a wide array of housing, shopping, and employment opportunities. The future of this community can be shaped by the shared values and aspirations of people who live, work, and often visit the community.
The purpose of this survey is to better understand Centreville today, and identify your shared ideals for its future. Your responses will help Fairfax County plan for future land uses in the area. You can learn more on the Centreville Study webpage.
Please take a few moments to share what makes Centreville special to you and be a part of building an even stronger future!
Centreville Study
Centreville and its surrounding area offer a wide array of housing, shopping, and employment opportunities. The future of this community can be shaped by the shared values and aspirations of people who...
Centreville Study Comments
Guidance for the Centreville area’s land use and development decisions is under review, and Fairfax County is looking for feedback from those who live in and visit the area. As directed by the Board...