MeckPlaybook introduces shared decision-making with surrounding neighborhoods at every step of a park, trail or center’s lifecycle.

Peavey Park was the first park designed by local neighborhood residents with equity in mind!

Minneapolis Inspires!

Mecklenburg Park and Rec is inspired by how the Minneapolis Parks Board makes equitable and transparent decisions. The Board tracks data on its investments and community needs to make sure that no neighborhoods are left out. By better understanding past investments and current needs, Minneapolis is working toward more equitable future projects. 

Tell us what you think!

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Help us prioritize!

Which of the following strategies do you think Meck Playbook should prioritize to help guide equitable decision making?

Drag and drop to rank the priorities.

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Closed to responses | 87 Responses

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We would like to share more about our about decision-making process...

How would you like to participate in future decisions about new or improved parks, programs, trails, or events?

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