Skyway-West Hill - 2nd Survey - Thriving, Educated Youth and Community
Skyway-West Hill - 2nd Survey - Thriving, Educated Youth and Community
Thriving, Educated Youth and Community focuses on a community center; parks and open space; and activities, education, and jobs for youth.
The goal of this area is to enhance the quality of life for youth and their families in Skyway-West Hill and to provide for needed services and resources focused on youth throughout the community. This category also includes improvements to Skyway Park, a community center, and other park and open space needs.
The Skyway West Hill Subarea Plan includes the community’s vision for the future and a series of neighborhood specific policies to guide decisions for the next 20-years.
The Community Needs List is a community-created list of services, programs and capital improvements projects that support the community’s vision.
The short video below provides more detail.
Skyway-West Hill Subarea Plan Timeline