Involved and sporty. Pool needs to be deep enough to support AISD water polo teams. AISD has ZERO pools for their students for swim team dnd water polo so we really need the parks and rec to help us. We would use the pool in the off season but we really really need a place for these kids to practice and compete. Every other school district in the state has an aquatic center. Somehow AISD doesn’t. Please please consider helping out kids with their sports goals in swimming and water polo.
WaterPolo & Diving need space in Austin. So many families and coaches have to travel to Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. It's time for Austin to step up and start hoisting tournaments for Water Polo and Diving!
Need a pool capable of hosting swim meets and waterpolo games and practices. Austin has multiple recreational pool options. It would be good to see one that had facilities to host other activities.
[Sorry, duplicate comment but in the correct section now] This is an active community close to Mccallum and Anderson HS, not far from Austin HS and LASA, all of which currently have self-funded water polo teams which will become UIL this fall. These schools also have active UIL swimming programs, but have to travel 15-30 mins to rent practice space at private pools or YMCA despite being located as close as 2.5 - 3 miles from Beverly S. Sheffield Pool. This facility has a valuable opportunity to serve our local community by supporting our high school & club swimming and water polo programs year-round. Currently, no city pool could support a water polo game (6' deep, 25 yd course), but this pool could do so with just a little more deep water. Adding the following features would enable the Beverly S. Sheffield Northwest Regional Aquatic Center to better support our active community: 1) Sufficient water depth for primary AISD, club, and masters water polo practices & competitions 2) Sufficient pool dimensions for AISD, club, masters, and summer league swim practices & meets 3) Heater (for year‐round use) 4) Water cooling system (misters) to regulate water temperature in summer
This is the only place to enjoy dedicated 50 meter swim lanes. It’s a treasure. Please keep this feature! Splash pads are everywhere already. Please focus on swimmable pool space for the majority of the population that is over 5 years old
We need more pool space for Water Polo in Austin. Water Polo is the fastest growing youth sport in the country. California is no longer the sole athletic and cultural hub for the sport; the East Coast, Michigan, Pacific Northwest, and even Dallas and Houston all have priority spaces for developing youth and adult Water polo. There is a huge huge water polo crowd in Austin, and I speak for all of us when I say I want to see a state-of-the-art facility that values Water polo!
Please keep it a 50 meter all deep pool - allow area high school and club water polo teams to use it - we can supply certified lifeguards. There are NO all deep pools in Austin suitable for waterpolo games other than UT which is impossible to rent. Waterpolo is the fastest growing sport due to low injuries, great fun and excellent fitness benefits. It is a UIL sport now - except we have no pools to practice in.