In your district, what are buses or other school vehicles used for other than transporting students? If they are used for different reasons, tell us about them.
In your district, what are buses or other school vehicles used for other than transporting students? If they are used for different reasons, tell us about them.
Besides transporting students for school, after school tutoring, and summer school this past year, we also used the buses to deliver meals to the children in our community when school closed in March of 2020 till the start of the next school year when we opened for in person learning. At that point, we could no longer use the buses for food delivery because it took all of our buses to transport our students as we often had to do double runs to accommodate the one child per seat mandate. We also used our county vehicles to deliver learning packets to the students in the community without internet and without transportation to get to the school. This occurred weekly. This summer, we used our buses to go out into the community for Kindergarten registration. We have used buses in the past for Reading on the Roll, but this was the first time we used it to find and register students for Kindergarten and PreK.
Hickory Public Schools has the HPS Book Bus which is a mobile library that takes books to children out in our community. We have 4 scheduled weekly stops at various locations out in our community. In addition to weekly stops, the Book Bus attends community and school events. The Book Bus is also equipped with a wifi router that can house over 60 users at a time.
Have you ever ridden on a bus for special projects for your district? Tell us about the experience.
Have you ever ridden on a bus for special projects for your district? Tell us about the experience.
Yes I have. When we delivered meals into the community, I rode all the different buses that went throughout the county. I did this to serve our students and help our child nutrition and transportation staff, but to also learn more about where our students were coming from in order to better understand their needs.
Delivery of diplomas to seniors at their home. It was a super experience. We were escorted by Sheriff Deputies and fire trucks and the students were surprised at their home. We took pictures and played loud music...really celebrated with the students.
I rode buses when I first joined the district, and soon got my license and have driven for special projects as well. The local VISION leadership development program is a partnership that directly impacts the school system, and transportation is one regular support provided by the schools.
deliver packets for students without internet