Feedback for 1901 & 1911 Fort Myer Drive -- One Rosslyn -- Feb. 20-March 3, 2025

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111 respondents
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Share your comments on land use and density in the proposed plan.
Grocery Access & Food Desert Concerns
Rosslyn remains a food desert, and increasing access to grocery options is crucial for residents. While we acknowledge the challenges of attracting grocery stores due to location constraints, we strongly encourage developers to incorporate alternative solutions to improve food accessibility. Ideally, a Trader Joe’s or similar grocery option would be a significant community asset.
ReplyAgree13 days ago
not happy about the additional density request. hold them to the zoning base #.
ReplyAgree13 days ago
Density seems appropriate for the transit-rich location. Big question is why there are so few for sale condo units in the project, it's barely ten percent of the total units. Why?
ReplyAgree13 days ago
Although the density appears consistent with planning documents, applicant’s request for a doubling of density is substantial. Is this large-scale increase in residential capacity consistent with overall Rosslyn planning? While mindful of the current market, we don’t want to become just a bedroom community for Washington.
ReplyAgree13 days ago
No, the density is too large based on the current structures. The Rosslyn Sector Plan is outdated and needs to be reevaluated.
ReplyAgree14 days ago
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Share your comments on building form and height in the proposed plan.
i don't think the proposed tower overhangs (balconies and/or building mass above the sidewalks) are appropriate. hold them to account to CO guidelines.
ReplyAgree13 days ago
What will be the impact of these tall buildings on the flight path in and out of National Airport? Is it going to have an impact on safety or operations? That needs to be addressed clearly and up front.
ReplyAgree13 days ago
In general, I’m in agreement with staff comments about overhangs and do have concerns about the effect on streetscapes. I’m particularly concerned about the transition to Gateway Park and agree that the architecure should reflect the approach of the adjacent buildings. In terms of height, less density on the NW Tower would provide more dramatic transition with S. Tower. The landscaping on the 6th floor podium looks great; can we get a view of how that would look to pedestrians on the street?
ReplyAgree13 days ago
The massing, overhangs, streetwall, and heights are entirely inappropriate. The "to-the-line" development in Rossyln needs to be haulted immediately as it is impairing the health, safety, and general welfare of residents. For going on 5 years, over 3,000 feet of sidewalk have been rendered inaccessible by development projects forcing dangerous walking conditions around Rossyln. This proposed site plan will make that situation much, much worse.
ReplyAgree14 days ago
Can this be designed without blocking all the views for Turnberry Tower residents?
ReplyAgree14 days ago
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Share your comments on architecture in the proposed plan.
the materials look less modern than recent development and buildings.
ReplyAgree13 days ago
The building architecture is very interesting and will add to the Rosslyn skyline.

The tower caps are a bit stark, they don't really add much to the buildings and look like an afterthought.
ReplyAgree13 days ago
In general I applaud the principle of biophilic design as a concept. The facades and colors appear handsome. As stated previously, the skyline would be enhanced by more dramatic transition netween the NW Tower and S. Tower
ReplyAgree13 days ago
The proposed building designs add nothing aesthetically to the skyline.
ReplyAgree14 days ago
Other than the south building, I think the architecture is TERRIBLE. I understand the architects wanted there to be variation among the three towers, but the towers not only don't relate to one and other, but they clash, The North tower emphasizes vertical lines and its rounded corners give It a soft appearance. The NW tower (which is ugly as sin) emphasizes horizontal lines and has very sharp edges. Neither tower relates well to the podium. Visually the project is very disappointing!!
ReplyAgree14 days ago
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Share your comments on transportation in the proposed plan.
Having lived on the opposite side of Langston Blvd for 26 years and navigated with trepidation the known hazards of the intersection of eastbound Langston Blvd with N. Fort Myer Dr. in order to use the Metro, I would plead earnestly that the developer build a pedestrian bridge, perhaps as a community benefit, to enable safe pedestrian access to downtown Rosslyn from the neighborhoods abutting westbound Langston Blvd. This would be important for prospective users of a renewed Gateway Park, also.
ReplyAgree13 days ago
Traffic & Pedestrian Safety
Safe traffic flow and pedestrian crossings must be a priority in this development. We urge the developer, Arlington County, and the Virginia Department of Transportation to design and implement safe, efficient intersection crossings along both the east and west lanes of Langston Boulevard. Additionally, we support the decision not to replace the pedestrian bridge over the eastbound lane of Langston Boulevard, as safer at-grade crossings should be prioritized.

ReplyAgree13 days ago
i would like to have more visitor or customer parking
ReplyAgree13 days ago
The sidewalks need to be wide enough for pedestrians.

I'm not a parking expert, do experts think there is enough parking?
ReplyAgree13 days ago
Streetscape design appears thoughtful. I do support staff’s comments about removing the fixed structures on 19th Street. The enhancements to the bike lane are welcome. I would prefer more renderings of what the streetscape experience will be like for pedestrians.
ReplyAgree13 days ago
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Share your comments on landscaping, biophilia, and sustainability in the proposed plan.
i am concerned about noise that could come along with open air business space.
ReplyAgree13 days ago
Great that the proposal is for LEED Gold.
ReplyAgree13 days ago
I applaud the use of biophilia as a design principe. However, other than the design, the project doesn’t scream biophilia, and I’d like to see more design elements, particularly along Langston Blvd. as it transitions to Gateway Park. I strongly support staff’s comments about the use of green walls. New technology makes them an actual design feature (see Clarendon Sq. project at 3033 Wilson Blvd.) The private terrace design looks great; can we have similarly attractive elements in public space?
ReplyAgree13 days ago
No concerns regarding street landscaping. Couldnt care less about the private terrace since the public wont be able to use it or see it. Im not sure about the biophilic design. I thought biophilia is taboo.
ReplyAgree13 days ago
The old growth trees should be retained.
ReplyAgree14 days ago
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