What transportation problems or challenges do you experience at Five Points? Please respond for all ways that you might experience Five Points (as pedestrian, bicyclist, transit rider, driver or car passenger).
What transportation problems or challenges do you experience at Five Points? Please respond for all ways that you might experience Five Points (as pedestrian, bicyclist, transit rider, driver or car passenger).
Excessive speeding, heavy traffic, excessively loud personal large/heavy duty trucks, motorcycles. Difficulties crossing the street without fear of being struck by car. Speeding cars in close proximity to sidewalks making walking and jogging dangerous and stressful. Children cannot be near Glenwood Avenue or on sidewalks. Pets are fearful of the fast-moving vehicles and close proximity to the traffic. Heavy traffic backups down Glenwood Avenue to St. Mary's street in mornings and evenings. Difficulties turning left from Glenwood Avenue onto side streets such as Beechridge Rd., Cowper Drive, The Circle, Myrtle Ave, etc.
Cars go through intersection too fast. Unsafe walking on sidewalk due to car speed on Glenwood and Whittaker Mill. Please make this neighborhood more walkable!
This is a walkable neighborhood with restaurants, a dry cleaners, drug store, post office. However, actually WALKING in this neighborhood is frightening, stressful and unpleasant due to the huge amounts of commercial vehicles speeding along narrow corridors.
Crossing the street as a pedestrian Crossing from Fairview Road to Whitaker Mill Road without interference or a potential Left turn from Whitaker Mill to Glenwood Ave Backups on Whitaker Mill Road The NCDOT's unwillingness to help with the issues on Whitaker Mill Road
What is the most important goal that you would want a project in Five Points to achieve?
What is the most important goal that you would want a project in Five Points to achieve?
Diverted traffic away from Five Points - Glenwood Ave has become the main artery between the Crabtree and Downtown areas. Alternatives must be introduced so that traffic and noise are drastically reduced and the area is safe for pedestrians and bicycles.
More pedestrian friendly through Five Points and all the way to Glenwood South and downtown. Whitaker Mill is going to be heavily used due to growth of area and businesses at Wake Forest intersection. Need to discourage or redirect traffic so there’s less n neighborhoods.
We live in the 1700 block of Scales St between Fairview and W Whitaker. Traffic backs up from Five Points on WWM and makes it challenging to turn left but even right. As once traffic starts coming from Five Points it is a flood gate. The left turn at WWM and Glenwood is horrific and also because double lane is so short there prevents faster turning right too. And church traffic in and out at times. Also this block of Scales is 2 way. Almost all traffic coming off Capitol will run into the one way block of Fairview and more often turn right up to WWM. They fly! It is curved and with parking on the Five Points intersection side the curve the narrow inside very f the curve. is almost always full of cars and it turns into a blind curve. Either direction. Cars come flying down what’s left of the street and there are many near misses and there have been accidents. It’s just one block and one block from the school with children and parents from neighborhood walking. We need speed bumps on either side of the curve at least as a minimum.
Crossing from Fairview Road to Whitaker Mill Road without interference or a potential
Left turn from Whitaker Mill to Glenwood Ave
Backups on Whitaker Mill Road
The NCDOT's unwillingness to help with the issues on Whitaker Mill Road