Strategic Transportation Corridor P - I-40/Future I-42/U.S. 70
Strategic Transportation Corridor P - I-40/Future I-42/U.S. 70
NCDOT has initiated the development of a master plan vision for Corridor P: I-40/Future I-42/U.S. 70. This corridor follows U.S. 70 from I-440 in Wake County to the Port of Morehead City. Corridor P is planned to become an interstate and will be constructed or improved to interstate standards with access only at interchanges and ramps, speed limits of 55 mph or greater, and no traffic signals.
One component used in developing the individual master plans is survey input. This page contains survey questions on Corridor P, future I-40/I-42/U.S. 70. The survey will be live until Month day , 2022
Click on the Tabs below to respond to questions on individual sections of this corridor.
Title VI Feedback
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