Charlotte's Tree Canopy Action Plan is the result of a full year of stakeholder and community engagement on the policies and programs that sustain our Tree Canopy. According to the TCAP Public Engagment Report, "Combined, these engagement avenues reached a total of 3,972 community members." Each of these responses were influential in our final reccommendations which inform several levels of City policy and regulations. Among these are the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan, Unified Development Ordinance and Urban Forest Master Plan. 

Below you can find several resources on the recommendations and various components of each phase of this project. The three primary phases were: 1) Community and Stakeholder Dialogue, 2) Tree Data Analysis and 3) the final report.

To provide the proper context and background for Charlotte residents who participated in our public survey, the TCAP team developed a series of videos that were embeded into our survey. These videos walk through four important contextual presentations on: 

1) What is the Tree Canopy Action Plan

2) The History of Charlotte's Tree Canopy

3) Protecting Trees on Private Property

4) Equity andTree Canopy

Tree Canopy Action Plan (TCAP) Public Survey


TCAP Presentation to Transportation, Planning & Environment Committee

On July 27, our Tree Canopy Action Plan (TCAP) leadership team presented a progress report to the Charlotte City Council, Transportation, Planning & Environment Committee.  Deputy Planning...

Tree Canopy Action Plan: Interested Participants

Thanks for your interest in Charlotte's Tree Canopy Action Plan. While we have reached the end of the formation of this project, please feel free to provide us with your contact information so...

Tree Canopy Data 2012-2018

Charlotte has a very robust tree canopy, that is unfortunately, declining. While our tree canopy as of 2018 was still a very high 45%, it saw a marked decline from 2012 when our tree canopy was...

Our peer city review analyzes best practices from four cities:

  • Washington, DC
  • Raleigh, NC
  • Austin, TX
  • Atlanta, GA

To download and view the full Peer City analysis see the documents section below. 

Download the full Tree Canopy Action Plan and any of the affiliated companion documents and reports below.