HL-0008L: Ten-Ten Rd at Bells Lake Road / Graham Newton Road
HL-0008L: Ten-Ten Rd at Bells Lake Road / Graham Newton Road
The N.C. Department of Transportation proposes to add turn lanes at the intersection of Ten-Ten Road with Bells Lake Road/Graham Newton Road.
Interactive Project Area Map:
Project Overview
The N.C. Department of Transportation is proposing roadway improvements at the intersection of Ten-Ten Road (S.R. 1010) and Bells Lake Road (S.R. 1386)/Graham Newton Road (S.R. 1386). The purpose of this project is to relieve congestion and improve traffic operations to an acceptable level of service.
The project proposes to widen the existing signalized intersection to allow for a 12-foot wide dedicated left-turn lane to be added to each leg of the intersection.
Project Map
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Project History
The Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) law includes a provision for a funding allocation to local governments based on funding contributed by the local government to transportation projects or revenue from tolling. This bonus allocation can be used to fund the construction of other eligible highway projects.
Early in 2020, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) received notice from NCDOT that there would be a bonus allocation to CAMPO from the N.C. 540 project. This intersection project was one of several selected by CAMPO for the bonus allocation funding. NCDOT began project development work in early 2021.
Project Funding
| Estimated Cost* |
Property Acquisition | $ 300,000 |
Utilities | $ -- |
Construction Costs | $ 3,000,000 |
Total Cost | $ 3,300,000 |
* Estimated costs are subject to change. Based on currently adopted NCDOT STIP
Project Timeline
Milestone | Date* |
Environmental Document | November 2022 |
Right of Way Acquisition Begins | April 2023 |
Construction Begins | May 2025 |
* Future dates are preliminary and subject to change
Matthew Nolfo
Project Manager
NCDOT Highway Division 5
1575 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 2799-1575
(984) 205-6615 Code 4101
John Twisdale, Jr., PE, CPM
Consultant Project Manager
TGS Engineers
706 Hillsborough Street, Ste 200
Raleigh, NC 27603
(984) 205-6615 Code 4101
Comments may be submitted below, via phone (984-205-6615 Code 4101) , email (Ten-Ten-BellsLake@PublicInput.com), or U.S. Mail to the Project Manager listed above.
All comments received carry equal weight, regardless of method of submission.
All comments will be reviewed and suggestions/recommendations
incorporated into designs where feasible.
Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.
Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions
Right of way Acquisition Process Videos