There are two options for reviewing and providing comments on the draft transportation chapter: 

Provide overall feedback
View the draft in the PDF viewer below and respond to the question (below) to provide overall feedback with County staff.

Share specific ("line-by-line") comments and questions
Access the draft, then follow these instructions:

  • Type in your first and last name as a "guest" when leaving comments. 
  • To leave a comment, use the "Add a sticky note" or "Highlight" tools on the toolbar at the top of the website.
    • Add a sticky note: After clicking this button, place the sticky note on the page in the location that you would like it to be associated with. Type your comment and click "Post" to submit. 
    • Highlight: Highlight the portion of text on which you would like to comment. A comment box will pop up on the panel on the right side of your screen. Click "Post" to submit. 
  • Do not use the Strikethrough or Scribble tool so that others are able to read and comment on the text. 
  • We encourage you to reply to existing comments if you have a similar comment or would like to add to it. 

Draft Transportation Chapter

Overall Feedback

Question title

How well does the draft Transportation chapter reflect the guiding principle?

Transportation Guiding Principle: Create a multimodal transportation network that is safe and accessible for all community members, regardless of age, race, income and ability.

Somewhat reflects the guiding principle
Very accurately reflects the guiding principle
Does not reflect the guiding principle at all
Closed to responses | 10 Responses

Question title

Do you have any overall comments or questions about the draft transportation chapter that you'd like to share with County staff? Please share in the space below.

Closed for Comments

Participate in the Master Plan Process

There are several upcoming opportunities to share feedback on the draft conservation chapter, including: 



A Master Plan is a collaboratively developed document that describes a community’s vision for future development, using text, maps and diagrams. In Albemarle County, Master Plans are used to guide future public and private development and to coordinate and prepare more detailed plans.