bird's eye view of neighborhood

About PlanZephyrhills2035

The City of Zephyrhills is updating the City's adopted 2025 Comprehensive Plan. When the planning process is completed later this year, the updated plan will have a new name and planning timeframe. Put together, we get PlanZephyrhills2035.

The State's Community Planning Act requires every city and county in Florida to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan includes goals, objectives, and policies that are based on data, analysis, and public input to guide growth and development as well as conservation of valued community assets and natural resources. The goals, objectives, and policies set the foundation for land develoment regulations, infrastructure investments, capital improvements budgeting, and other government programs. The comprehensive plan considers population growth and related needs for public facilities and services including water, sewer, roads, bike paths, sidewalks, parks, and more.

Community input is very important to updating the comprehensive plan and there will be several opportunities for residents, business owners, and others who are part of our southeast Pasco community to participate. With so much happening in our city, county, region, and world, this is a great moment to get involved and help shape our community's bright future.


Frequently Asked Questions

PlanZephyrhills 2035 is a comprehensive planning initiative of the City of Zephyrhills. The initiative will result in a new comprehenisve plan to guide city decision making through the year 2035.

PlanZephyrhills 2035 logo and text

The City reviews applicable City plans, plans of other governments, and state laws to learn about specific comprehensive plan requirements. To understand how the City is has changed over the past decade and might change in the future, we look at current conditions and trends information such as demographics, land use patterns, and infrastruture availability/performance. We also engage with residents and other stakeholders to learn about community needs, issues and opportunties that could be addressed in the comprehensive plan goals, objectives, and policies.


Todd Vande Berg, Planning Director

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