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The project logo Affordable Housing Advisory Committee

The project logo Affordable Housing Advisory Committee

The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee is composed of thirteen (13) members who will represent the diverse viewpoints of community stakeholders on affordable housing.

The Committee will work in conjunction with City leadership and staff to implement the 2008 Affordable Housing Plan. The specific functions will be:

  • to consider affordable housing policy issues and advise City leadership about those policies;
  • to develop concrete action steps to implement the highest priorities of the Affordable Housing Plan, and to update that Plan as appropriate over time;
  • to advise City leadership and staff regarding affordable housing priorities for the investment of City-controlled funds.

More information, including agendas and materials, can be found on the AHAC webpage


Regular Scheduled Meetings 

The Committee’s in person regular meeting time is monthly on the first Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., in the 1st Floor North Conference Room of Asheville City Hall unless otherwise stated above under notice. Here is the 2024 AHAC Meeting Schedule.  



Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute § 166A-19.24(f) this will be a remote meeting which the public can access by any of the following means: 

  • Watch live stream on the Engagement Hub or the City’s YouTube Channel 

  • Call toll-free to listen to the meeting on your phone: Call 855-925-2801. Enter the Meeting Code: 7663 and follow the prompts to join the live speaker cue.


  • Live comments will be heard during the Public Comment section of the meeting. Call 855-925-2801. Enter the Meeting Code: 7663 and follow the prompts to join the live speaker cue.
  • Voicemail public comments: Please call: 855-925-2801 Enter Code 7663. Comments will be limited to 3 minutes. 
  • Written public comments, email (closes at 5:00 p.m. day before the meeting)

NOTICE: The agenda commenting period will be closed at 5:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. All public comments will be sent to the committee prior to the meeting but will not be read aloud.

For questions about the Committee, please contact Sasha Vrtunski

Past Events
