The Skyway-West Hill iyo North Highline Anti-barakac Xeeladaha Report ayaa la isugu gudbiyo Golaha King County on September 30, 2021 oo hadda waa la heli karo si ay dadweynaha!

Waaxda Bulshada iyo Adeegyada Dadweynaha ee Degmada King (DCHS) iyo Waaxda Adeegyada Maxalliga ah (DLS) waxay iskaashi la sameeyeen xubnaha bulshada muddo sannad ka badan si loo horumariyo Warbixinta Xeeladaha Ka-hortagga Barakaca ee Skyway-West Hill iyo North Highline.

Warbixintu waxay baartay 14 xeelado waxayna ku talinaysaa 10 xeeladaha soo socda:

  • Xulashada Bulshada
  • Ka -dhaafitaanka Canshuurta Hantida
  • Shaqaalaynta Mudnaanta leh
  • Guriyeynta Isku -Darka
  • Kaalmada Dib -u -dejinta Kiraystaha
  • Kaalmada Lacag -La'aanta
  • Horumarinta Guriyeynta Kirada La Heli Karo
  • Amaanada Dhulka Beesha
  • Ilaalinta Bulshada Guriga La Soo -Saaray
  • Kaalmada Dib -u -horumarinta

Warbixintu waxay bixinaysaa falanqayn ku saabsan istaraatijiyad kasta oo ay ku jirto qeexitaan, saamaynta barakicinta, isku xidhka Skyway-West Hill iyo North Highline, talooyinka bulshada, suurtogalnimada, iyo talooyinka.

Ku xidh Soo -koobidda FULINTA (12 bog)

Ku xidhnow WARBIXINTA OO DHAN (150 bog)

Shaqaalaha Degmada King waxay sameeyeen geedi socod ka -qaybgal bulsho oo adag kaas oo keenay kaalin wax ku ool ah talooyinka warbixinta iyo ka mid noqoshada xeeladaha ay soo saareen xubnaha bulshada. In ka badan 200 xubnood oo ka tirsan bulshada ayaa ka qaybqaatay waxqabadyada ka qaybgalka bulshada kuwaas oo isugu jira aqoon isweydaarsiyo is -dhexgal ah ilaa xog -waraysiyo. Ku dhowaad dhammaan shirarka beesha waxaa si wada jir ah u naqshadeeyay oo u wada fududeeyay koox ka mid ah hoggaamiyeyaasha bulshada oo ku qotomay bulshooyinka ugu saameynta badan barakaca. Aad iyo aad baad ugu mahadsan tihiin Fududeeyeyaasha Bulshada ee soo socda hoggaankooda ku aaddan geeddi -socodka ka -qaybgalka bulshada iyo ka -qayb -qaadashada hagista falanqaynta istiraatiijiyadda iyo talooyinka:

  • Cherryl Jackson-Williams, Degmada Dugsiga Renton
  • Xamdi Cabdulle, Guriyeynta iyo Horumarinta Beesha Afrika
  • Jeannie Williams, Ururka Bulshada ee West Hill
  • Kimberly Sopher-Dunn, Xarunta Dhalashada Cusub ee Ka Mid noqoshada Bulshada
  • Regina Elmi, Taageeridda Shuraakada Waxbarashada iyo wixii ka dambeeya (oo hore loo yiqiin Guddiga Waxbarashada Waalidka Soomaaliyeed)
  • Tram Chung, Ururka Horumarinta Bulshada ee Xarunta Cad
  • Yen Baynes, Ururka Horumarinta Bulshada ee Xarunta Cad

Macluumaad faahfaahsan oo ku saabsan warbixinta iyo habsocodka ka -qaybgalka bulshada, oo ay ku jiraan isku -xidhka bogagga iyo duubista dhammaan shirarka beesha, ayaa laga heli karaa goobtan Soo -gelinta Dadweynaha!

Hadda oo ay warbixintu nooshahay, fadlan noo sheeg waxaad u malaynayso oo nala wadaag fikradahaaga ku saabsan sida ka -qaybgalka joogtada ah ee bulshada ay u ekaan doonto!

    Question title

    Sideed u aragtaa talooyinka warbixinta?

    Closed for Comments

    Question title

    Intee in le'eg ayaad jeclaan lahayd in Degmada King ay ka warbixiso horumarka shaqadan?

    Once a year
    Every quarter
    Twice a year
    Closed to responses | 1 Response

    Question title

    Intee in le'eg ayaad ku kalsoon tahay in talooyinka warbixinta la fulin doono oo saamayn togan ku yeelan doonaan ka hortagga barakaca iyo kordhinta guryaha la awoodi karo?

    Somewhat confident
    Very confident
    Not confident
    Closed to responses | 1 Response

    Question title

    Maxaa kugu kalifaya inaad ku kalsoonaato in talooyinka la fulin doono oo saamayn togan ku yeelan doonaan ka hortagga barakaca iyo kordhinta guryaha la awoodi karo?

    Closed for Comments

    Question title

    Waa maxay ra'yi -celin kale ama faallooyin aad jeclaan lahayd inaad ka wadaagto warbixinta ama waxaad rajaynayso in la hirgeliyo iyo ka -qaybgalka joogtada ah ee bulshada?

    Closed for Comments
    October 6, 2021 - Community Briefing on Final Recommendations and Next Steps

    On October 6, 2021 King County’s Departments of Community and Human Services and Local Services co-hosted a community briefing to share the final recommendations in the Skyway-West Hill and North Highline Anti-displacement Strategies Report and discuss next steps in implementation.

    You can review the presentation slides and a partial recording of the meeting online.

    September 30, 2021 -- Report is transmitted to Council!

    The Skyway-West Hill and North Highline Anti-displacement Strategies Report was transmitted to the King County Council on September 30, 2021 and is now available to the public!

    You can review the Executive Summary and the Full Report online.

    April 10, 2021 1:00-3:30pm - Community Report Back on Draft Recommendations

    King County staff presented a summary of the community input and the draft Anti-Displacement recommendations which were developed over the last six months through a participatory community engagement process. This was the final community meeting about the draft recommendations before the Skyway-West Hill and North Highline Anti-Displacement Strategies Report will be finalized.

    You can review the slides and the recording of the session online.

    March 20, 2021 1:00-3:30pm - Inclusionary Zoning Discussion

    King County's Department of Community and Human Services and Department of Local Services co-hosted a virtual Inclusionary Zoning Policy Presentation and Discussion for residents of Skyway-West Hill and North Highline, as a follow up to the recently completed Anti-Displacement workshop series. Residents reviewed possible options for an Inclusionary Zoning policy in Skyway-West Hill and North Highline and provided input and feedback. 

    Slides and a recording of the meeting are available online.

    January 30, 2021 - Anti-Displacement Recommendations Discussion

    At the virtual Anti-Displacement Recommendations Discussion, 35 community members came together to share their priorities and recommendations for preventing displacement and increasing affordable housing in Skyway-West Hill and North Highline! The ideas shared with the County will help inform the development of recommendations for the Skyway-West Hill and North Highline Anti-Displacement Strategies Report.

    The slides from this session, which include discussion notes, are available online!

    October- December 2020: Anti-Displacement Workshop Series

    In October 2020, we launched the Skyway-West Hill and North Highline Anti-Displacement Workshop series. This 3-part series explored strategies in the Skyway-West Hill and North Highline Anti-Displacement report and invited community members to dialogue and share thoughts, ideas, questions, and concerns. Over 40 community members participated in the live workshops.

    If you missed the workshops, you can check out the recordings of each session on youtube!

    August 2020: Anti-Displacement & Subarea Planning Phase II Projects Kick-Off!

    Read a summary of community questions and feedback from our August 18 Kick-Off call here.

    Learn about and provide direction on the North Highline and Skyway-West Hill Subarea Plans, Community Needs Lists, and Anti-Displacement Strategies Report. 


    Alice Morgan-Watson, Maareeyaha Barnaamijka Kaqeybgalka Bulshada ee Guriyeynta
    Waaxda Bulshada iyo Adeegyada Aadanaha