Complete Streets Plan
Complete Streets Plan
The Complete Streets Plan will build on the recently revised 2017 AMATS Complete Streets policy to provide guidance for improving the transportation network in the AMATS boundary by applying a Complete Streets approach; it will include street types, sidewalks, roadways, intersections, curbsides, and ADA accessibility as well as plan implementation. This plan will define multi-modal street typologies for the AMATS area and feature a corresponding street typologies map. These typologies may include recommendations for development review, streetscape design, traffic signal upgrades, recommended road reclassifications, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Complete Streets principles have been incorporated into several planning and policy efforts by AMATS, the Municipality of Anchorage and the State of Alaska, and this Plan will be a tool to combine, optimize, and implement those ongoing efforts.
Project TeamThe consultant team point of contact: Jeanne Bowie, PE, PhD, PTOE: Project Manager 907-344-7585 The AMATS point of contact: Aaron Jongenelen, AMATS Executive Director 907.343.8254 |