A map of Tolt MacDonald Park with accessibility key information

The above map is an example of one we would post online to show visitors the trails in a park, in this case, Tolt MacDonald Park in Carnation.

Below is the legend from the map showing various information for each trail:

  • trail length,
  • typical and maximum grade,
  • cross slope,
  • tread width,
  • and surface type. 

We hope this will help park visitors determine their level of accessibility.

First, review the trail map above. Then, review the informational legend below and answer the following questions.

A multi-colored legend showing various trails and information

Question title

If you were planning a trip to Tolt MacDonald Park how useful would this information be for you?

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What details of the map/legend are most useful?

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Is there any information you would like to see that you don't see?

Question title

Anything else you would like to tell us about this map?

Question title

What else can King County Parks provide to make planning a trip to a park or trail a better experience for you?