
The Bridge Street Neck Corridor is an area that continues to grow and change. However, recent development along Bridge Street Neck is not necessarily matching what the neighborhood wants. For example, the City has heard there is a desire for a mixture of uses within a single building (such as a hair salon on the first floor with a home on the second floor), but the regulations along most of the corridor do not allow that. The mix of buildings and uses creates a unique neighborhood character along Bridge Street Neck. Most of the buildings and/or uses are “non-conforming,” meaning they would not be allowed to be built the same way today. In fact, 51% of the current uses along Bridge Street Neck are non-conforming. Zoning is one of the most important tools a city has to help shape future development. Thus, the City is working to develop zoning regulations that will help achieve the neighborhood’s vision.

What is the vision for the Bridge Street Neck corridor and how was it determined?

In 2019, neighbors and the City worked with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) to bring a fresh lens to the Bridge Street Neck corridor. Through this planning effort residents, business owners, and other stakeholders of the historic Bridge Street Neck Neighborhood came together to discuss their vision for Bridge Street Neck. The planning effort incorporated analyses of existing conditions and opportunities and challenges the neighborhood faces. It was built upon previous projects, including a zoning report written in 2012 available here and a revitalization plan that was prepared in 2009 available here.

The planning effort resulted in an updated vision and associated principles for the Bridge Street Neck neighborhood. This visioning work included a preferred development scenario and illustrative plan that reflects the community vision statement. The study also included a holistic set of recommendations to help achieve the vision. The Vision Update Study is available here. All the above reference documents are also available in the document hub on this website.

The Bridge Street Neck Neighborhood Vision and Associated Principles

The Bridge Street Neck Neighborhood is a historic, family-friendly neighborhood and proud part of Salem, welcoming to residents of all ages and affordable across a range of incomes. The neighborhood celebrates a strong identity, based upon its history and coastal location. Building on its historical commercial strengths, local and small businesses thrive along Bridge Street, supported by both neighborhood residents, as well as visitors. Clusters of retail and mixed-use development are interspersed with residential development, helping to maintain the neighborhood’s character. The neighborhood is resilient, seeking to minimize its contributions to climate change, while also adapting to changes taking place. Sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, and paths create a safe network for pedestrians and cyclists within the neighborhood and to other parts of the City. The appropriately scaled blend of retail, restaurants, services, residences, and smaller-scale office spaces attract business, jobs and increased consumer spending along Bridge Street, while the neighborhood itself is safe and attractive with a robust tree canopy, plantings, benches, lighting, and other amenities.

The associated principles emphasize:

  • A family-friendly area that is both welcoming and affordable across a range of incomes.

  • A neighborhood that is safe and comfortable for all ages and abilities to walk and bike.

  • A thriving Bridge Street filled with local businesses in commercial and mixed-use developments.

  • A distinct sense of place that builds upon the neighborhood’s history as the location of the original settlement of Salem and existing assets related to its later commercial and residential history.

  • Development that has high quality design and is appropriate for the scale and context of the neighborhood.

  • Connections to non-vehicular travel, not only within the neighborhood but to other parts of Salem, as well


Existing Zoning
The map below shows the zoning is it currently exists in the Bridge Street Neck Neighborhood.

The chart below shows a few examples of the types of uses that are allowed in each district. For example, in the Residential Two-Family District (R2), a two family dwelling is permitted, but a home above an office is not permitted in that district. 

Existing Area
Use the map below to explore the area on Google Maps.


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Document Hub

This section includes a list of relevant documents from this and the previous projects focusing on the Bridge Street Neck Neighborhood.  We will continue to add documents here when they become available.