Every year we talk with our committee members and key stakeholders about what needs there are and what we want to invest in. 

We take everyone’s feedback and come up with a list of projects and how much it will cost. Then, we share that list with the community and ask for your feedback. 

Take a look below and let us know what you think!

Regional Goals 

The BRTB has set the following goals for its work in planning transportation: 
  • Better Access – Make it easier for everyone to get where they need to go.
  • Improve Travel – Help people and goods move smoothly and on time.  
  • Safer Roads – Reduce crashes, injuries, and deaths.  
  • Fix What We Have – Take care of and upgrade existing transportation systems.  
  • Protect the Environment – Use solutions that keep our air, water, and land healthy.  
  • Secure Travel – Keep people safe and prepare for emergencies.  
  • Boost the Economy – Support jobs, businesses, and the movement of goods.  
  • Work Together – Involve everyone in planning and decision-making.  
  • Smart Choices – Use good data and policies to guide decisions.  
To meet these goals, the BRTB has developed a plan and budget for the next two years. Check it out below! 

Check out our Plans!

Over the next year we are planning $10.8 million worth of work in over a range of planning areas. Here are some highlights:

Plans, Projects and Studies

  • Maryland is changing how it chooses projects for the state transportation program. We will help local governments prepare to apply for funding using the new process. 
  • We have been working with communities to design the Patapsco Regional Greenway (PRG). Planning is wrapping up for the Stoney Run Segment. We are starting the process for the Cherry Hill Segment. In this budget, $250,000 will go to Henryton Road Bridge Segment.  
  • We are working with the community to create the first connected bike network for the region. We will release the final Bikeable Baltimore Region plan later this year. Then, the BRTB is setting aside $300,000 to update local bicycle and pedestrian plans. 

  • We will update the State of the Region report. This report compares this metro area to other metro areas in areas such as: economy, education, workforce, transportation and quality of life.
  • Approximately $300,000 is being set aside for the 2026 Household Travel Survey. This study will give the BRTB insight into how people travel now so that we can plan for the future. 
  • We have been looking to the future and asking what our priorities and goals should be. In this budget, $200,000 is being set aside for developing a long-range transportation plan. We will update the goals, how we choose projects, look at data and trends, and involve the community. The BRTB will also share their projects for the next long range plan and BMC staff will review them. 

Training, Grants and Support  

  • We are providing up to $300,000 for the Transportation & Land Use Connection Grants program. The goal of the grants is to reduce traffic on roads and to make it easier for more people to walk, bike, and use transit. 
  • We will offer training to BRTB members and BMC staff through two training programs: $200,000 to prepare local jurisdictions to manage federal grants and $50,000 to train staff working with local transit providers.


Interested in digging deeper?

Check out the full planning budget for FY 2026-2027 (July 2025 to June 2027) for full details of the work we plan to do and our budget. 

View a presentation 

Download the full Draft Transportation Planning Budget (pdf)

Check out the Budget

What do you think? Take Our Survey

We want to get your feedback on what we’re going to be working on. 

Click on the next tab to take our survey or find out how to share your thoughts. 

Need more information or help with something?  Email us at BRTBbudget26@publicinput.com or call 855-925-2801 x11078 and leave us a message in any language.  We’ll get back to you!  

Identifying Work Tasks and Budget Requests

BMC staff collaborated with BRTB committee members and other stakeholders to create a budget for the Fiscal Years 2026 - 2027 (July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2027). We also made a list of potential studies, projects, plans, and other tasks to be completed in the next year. This process involved looking at feedback on various projects from our partners, staff and the public. 

Late 2024

Release for 30-day review and comment

The BRTB released an updated transportation planning budget for a 30-day review and comment period. Federal partners will also be consulted in this review process.  

February -  March 2025

Review and Respond to Comments

BRTB members with BMC staff support will review public comments and respond to feedback.

March - April 2025

BRTB Votes

The BRTB will consider approval of the final transportation planning budget and work plan for FY 2026-2027. A vote by the BRTB is scheduled for Friday, April 25, 2025.

April 2025

New Projects Begin

If approved by the BRTB and federal partners, the BRTB begins work July 1, 2025.

July 2025