The tabs shown above will guide you through the various types of recommended improvements and ask questions with which we need your assistance.

Transportation, Innovation, and Mobility for Everyone!

Transportation, land use, and funding are important challenges in our region. By 2045, Brunswick County will have thousands more people living and working here. NCDOT and Brunswick County would like your input on this long range plan!

It will take a combination of investments to move people around our region, both today and in the future. Please take a few minutes to tell us your views on the region’s future transportation system.

Brunswick County Comprehensive Transportation Plan

The Brunswick County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) is a long-range plan, which identifies major highway recommendations and multimodal transportation (bicycle, pedestrian, and public transportation) improvement needs and develops long term solutions for the next 25 to 30 years.

The study is a joint effort involving the following groups

  • Brunswick County
  • Brunswick County Municipalities
  • North Carolina Department of Transportation –Transportation Planning Division (NCDOT TPD),
  • Grand Strands Area Transportation Study Metropolitan Planning Organization (GSATS MPO) 
  • Cape Fear Rural Planning Organization (CFRPO)
  • The Public 

The CTP study involves both government officials and the public to determine the area’s future transportation needs based on the best information available including, but not limited to, population, economic conditions, traffic trends and patterns of land development in the county.

* The towns of Belville, Navassa and Leland fall in the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization (Wilmington MPO). The Wilmington MPO has their own long range transportation plan called the Cape Fear Moving Forward 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP).