The Climate Action Priority Survey

This survey seeks your input on priorities for reducing the air pollution that can cause climate change and poor air quality in the greater Austin and Central Texas region. Your response will be used by collaborating local governments to make air pollution reduction strategies that address climate change and improve air quality in Central Texas. All questions are optional.

As a thank you for participating, you may provide your email address to be eligible for a chance to receive a $50 Visa gift card for completing the survey.

Estimated Time: Up to 10 minutes

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Your experience with climate change

The following questions ask about how you and your communities have experienced the impacts of changing weather patterns and environmental conditions caused by climate change. This includes things like extreme weather (e.g., excessive heat, flooding, extended drought), worsening air quality, and a declining natural environment.

Question title

How have you/your family been impacted by climate change? Please select all that apply.

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Question title

Are there other ways that you or your community have experienced climate change?

We cannot go outside most of the summer because of the extreme heat.
Reply64 Agree2 months ago
School children receive less outdoor time because of extreme heat.
Reply41 Agree2 months ago
Drought. Difficulty growing food without extensive irrigation. Irrigation systems are costly and often fragile.
Reply23 Agree2 months ago
Impact to trees and plants from the freezes and droughts; Conflict with family and loved ones who are climate deniers; trauma bonding with like-minded people
Reply20 Agree2 months ago
Climate change has become a frequent conversation topic among friends and family. The awareness is there but many people I know lack a sense of empowerment and knowledge to do something about it. Where to start, what makes a difference and isn't a total inconvenience, etc.
Reply11 Agree2 months ago