Project Pipeline Ivy Road Study (CU-23-09)
Project Pipeline Ivy Road Study (CU-23-09)
Project Pipeline is a performance-based planning program to identify cost-effective solutions to multimodal transportation needs in Virginia. Through this planning process, projects and solutions may be considered for funding through programs, including SMART SCALE, revenue sharing, interstate funding and others.
The purpose of this study is to identify project recommendations for the U.S. 250 (Ivy Road) corridor, including the interchange with U.S. 29, within Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville. This study will focus on improving roadway safety, reducing traffic congestion, improving access, and enhancing multimodal accessibility and connectivity for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users, including how these needs might be satisfied by facilities within the Route 601 (Old Ivy Road) corridor. The study will build off previous study efforts for the study area led by VDOT and the localities and provide multiple opportunities for public input. The project recommendations that come from this study will be developed into funding applications for SMART SCALE Round 6 and other transportation funding programs.
VDOT greatly appreciates the recent engagement with the community on the possible transportation solutions in the Ivy Road and Old Ivy Road corridors and recognizes that recent transportation studies in this area gathered significant public input. As we committed to you, we are initiating a new study of this area to take a broader view of the Ivy Road Corridor and find more comprehensive short-term and long-term solutions to the vehicular and multimodal challenges. While we will still use the previous comments to guide this study, we encourage you to also think more broadly as you answer the following questions. Further, we welcome any additional written comments in the comment boxes below each question and hope to hear your ideas for solutions as well as your areas of concern.