Cultivating Canby - Blooming with Possibility
Cultivating Canby - Blooming with Possibility
Welcome to Cultivating Canby!
Canby is a unique community known for its array of services and small-town feel. While maintaining these qualities, Canby is quickly emerging as a regional distribution and manufacturing center that is complemented by a vibrant downtown and connected by a system of unique neighborhoods. Canby is expected to reach 25,000 people over the next 20 years. To guide this future growth and development, the City of Canby has initiated the Cultivating Canby project.
Cultivating Canby is made up of three components: the Comprehensive Plan Update, the Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update, and the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) Expansion. The Comprehensive Plan addresses land use issues such as housing, parks, and natural resources. The TSP addresses transportation needs and investments. Both plans aim to provide policies and strategies to enhance livability for current residents and accommodate new families, small businesses, and industry. The UGB Expansion seeks to ensure that Canby has sufficient land to accommodate the next 20 years of growth.
There will be many opportunities to participate in the Cultivating Canby process. For more information on each element of Cultivating Canby, scroll down to the appropriate section and click on 'participate'.
Get involved!
Project Schedule
Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive Plan Canby’s Comprehensive Plan was originally created in 1984, with different elements added in 2007, 2015, and 2019. Although new elements have been added, the complete plan...
Transportation System Plan
Transportation System PlanCanby’s Transportation System Plan (TSP) was last updated in 2010 and is in need of a new update as Canby develops. The Transportation System Plan is Canby’s...
Urban Growth Boundary
Urban Growth Boundary ExpansionEach city in Oregon is surrounded by an urban growth boundary (UGB), a plan to designate where the city will grow over 20 years. This growth can occur with new houses,...
Quick guide to using
Creating an account – You have many choices when participating on the page. You can choose to sign up with your existing Facebook, Twitter, or Google account, sign up with an email, or choose to participate anonymously.
Taking the survey – You can only take the survey once. Once you’ve selected an answer, the response is logged, but you can change it if you think a different response is more appropriate. The survey results will reflect any changes that you do make.
View results – Clicking on this function will display the question results based on everyone who has answered the question thus far.
Making comments – All entered comments will default to being publicly visible. You can modify this setting by clicking on "Hide" under your comment. Note that we will not remove critical or negative comments unless they are defamatory, profane, or off-topic.
Hiding comments - If you choose to hide your comments, only yourself and the project team for the study can view your comment.
Agreeing with comments – You can reply to another participant’s comments, you click on “agree” below their comment to indicate your approval or agreement with what they’ve said.
Flagging comments – If you think a comment is unnecessary, or disrespectful, you can “flag” it for review by the moderation team.
Any comments, or questions? Email us!
Who's Listening
Don Hardy
Planning Director, City of Canby
Phone: (503) 266-0775
Jamie Stickel
Economic Development Director, City of Canby
Phone: (503) 266-0701
Ryan Potter
Planning Manager, City of Canby
Phone: (503) 266-0712
Upcoming Meetings
View upcoming meetings below
Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
Project Advisory Committee
The project advisory committee (PAC) is made up of a group of volunteers who live or work in Canby. The committee is made up of: