Federal Boulevard Corridor Plan
Federal Boulevard Corridor Plan
The Federal Boulevard Corridor Plan will study the Federal Boulevard Corridor Area, in unincorporated Adams County, and make specific recommendations on a number of topics including, but not limited to: Future land uses, Housing Affordability, Opportunities for Business/Jobs, Sidewalks Bicycles and Trails, Safety, and Neighborhood Appearance.
Next Chance to Participate: Community Meetings TBD
Please contact us if you would like a community meeting in your neighborhood!
Related Plans: 2014 Federal Blvd Framework Plan
2022 Advancing Adams Comprehensive Plan
Contact Information: fedblvdcorridor@publicinput.com
Stay Informed: Register Here for Project Updates
Please take a moment to let us know your thoughts about Federal Boulevard!
Federal Boulevard Corridor Vision (Advancing Adams 2022):
A corridor that supports a strong pedestrian environment, bicycle movement connected to the corridor, and design that enables a mixed use community that includes retail, employment, entertainment, and housing with safe and comfortable access to the light rail station, bus stops, and trails.