Overview - Proposed Fee Waiver Rule

King County Parks is proposing a new rule which would establish a facility fee assistance program. The goal of this proposed rule is to,

  • Remove barriers to recreational access for King County’s most underserved communities
  • Ensure that no one is denied access to renting or using a park facility based solely on an inability to pay

This proposed rule establishes criteria for fee assistance eligibility, establishes application procedures, establishes revocation procedures, and establishes an appeal process.

►Read the proposed fee assistance rule. 

Who qualifies for fee assistance at recreational and other park facilities?

The proposed rule would allow King County Parks to waive, in whole or in part, user fees for persons or organizations that serve persons meeting an eligibility threshold of two hundred percent of the federal poverty.

In addition to meeting the household income eligibility requirements, the following categories may be assessed to determine eligibility for the Facility Fee Assistance Program.

  • Non-profit Organization, Fiscally Sponsored Community Group, Community-Based Organization, and Tribal Government Agencies Serving Residents of King County
  • For-Profit Company or Organization 
  • Geodemographic Information
  • Public Benefit
  • Priority Populations

Fee assistance can be for a one-time only event, or for an entire season or series of events.

What would be the application process to apply for a fee waiver?

To apply for fee assistance, an Applicant would complete an online application for the facility they are interested in reserving at least one month in advance of the requested date and time.

Upon receiving an application, if the date and time requested by the Applicant is available, Parks will put a hold on the facility while the application is reviewed.

Within fourteen days, Parks will let the Applicant know what level of fee assistance they qualify for (100%, 50%, or no assistance), or will request the Applicant provide additional information.

The Applicant will have seven days to confirm and complete their registration. If the Applicant does not confirm and complete their registration within seven days, Parks will release the hold on the facility.

Opportunity to comment on the proposed rule

Question title

Do you have any comments on this proposed fee assistance rule?

Have a question or comment? Please email parksinfo@kingcounty.gov.

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